Step 2: Type shutdown -s -t 3600, then click OK or press Enter. Your computer will shut down after 1 hour.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 1
Here are some pre-set Windows 11 shutdown timer commands that you can use to replace the above command:
- Shutdown after 1 minute: shutdown -s -t 60
- Shutdown after 5 minutes: shutdown -s -t 300
- Shutdown after 10 minutes: shutdown -s -t 600
- Shutdown after 15 minutes: shutdown -s - t 900
- Shutdown after 60 minutes: shutdown -s -t 3600
- Shutdown after 2 hours: shutdown -s -t 7200
- Shutdown after 4 hours: shutdown -s -t 14400
- Shutdown after 8 hours: shutdown - s -t 28800
- Shutdown after 12 hours: shutdown -s -t 43200
- Shutdown after 16 hours: shutdown -s -t 57600
To cancel the Windows 11 shutdown timer command, open the Run dialog box, type shutdown -a and press Enter.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 2
If memorizing the above Windows 11 shutdown timer commands is difficult for you, then you can create a shortcut to use whenever. You do the following:
Step 1: At the Desktop, right-click an empty space and select New > Shortcut.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 3
Step 2: The window with the question "What item would you like to create a shortcut for?" will appear. Here, enter C: in the Type the location of the item field and click Next to continue.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 4
Step 3: On the window with the question "What would you like to name the shortcut?", enter a name for the Windows 11 computer shutdown timer shortcut in the Type a name for this shortcut field and click Finish.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 5
Step 4: Now, the new shortcut will appear on your Desktop, right-click it, select Properties and enter -s -t 3600 -c "Operation was successful" in the Target field in the Properties window.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 6
You can change "3600" with the length of time you want (measured in seconds) and "Operation was successful" with whatever text you want to see like Goodbye or See you again. You can also change the default icon with the option given below. Then, click OK to save the changes.
You can create a shortcut that cancels the Windows 11 computer shutdown timer with the same steps as above, except that you replace -s -t 3600 -c "Operation was successful" with shutdown -a.
Command Prompt is another effective way to set a timer to turn off your Windows 11 computer. Do the following:
Step 1: Enter the keyword cmd into Windows Search and right-click on the corresponding result, select Run as administrator.
Step 2: At the Command Prompt window, enter the command shutdown -s -t number, where number is the number of seconds remaining before the command is executed.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 7
- To cancel the command, enter shutdown -a on the next line in the same Command Prompt window.
To schedule automatic shutdown of the computer on Windows 11 using Task Scheduler, do the following:
Step 1: Enter the keyword Task Scheduler into Windows Search and click on the corresponding result to open the Task Scheduler application.
Step 2: In the Task Scheduler window, click on the Task Scheduler Library and select Create Task. in the right panel.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 8
Step 3: In the Create Task window, select the General tab and enter the task name, such as Shutdown computer or Shut down computer. Then, check the option Run whether user is logged on or not and Run with highest privileges. In the Configure for menu at the bottom of the Create Task window, select Windows 11.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 9
Step 5: Next, switch to the Trigger tab and click the New button.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 10
Step 6: In the New Trigger window, select On a schedule and Daily to schedule the task execution. Then, choose the start date and time and the number of repetitions of the task. Here, chooses 1 time. Finally, you tick Enabled in the lower left corner of the window and click OK.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 11
Step 7: In this step, switch to the Actions tab and click the New button.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 12
Step 8: In the New Action window, select Start a program from the Action menu, enter shutdown.exe under Program/script: and add /s /t 60 "Computer will shutdown in 60 seconds" to Add arguments (optional) . Click OK to save the changes.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 13
Step 9: Now, switch to the Conditions tab, uncheck Start the task only if the computer is on AC power and check the Wake the computer to run this task option. Click OK to close the window.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 14
Step 10: When you click OK on the last screen, Task Scheduler will prompt you to enter your account password to save the task. Enter your password and click OK.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 15
Once done, a new task will appear in the Task Scheduler app with the settings you created above.
4 How to schedule shutdown of Windows 11 computers without software Picture 16
If you want to remove this task in the future from your computer, open the Task Scheduler again. Right-click the task and select Delete.
Thus, TipsMake has shared with you some ways to schedule shutdown of your Windows 11 computer. With these measures, you will not need to install any additional 3rd party software on your computer. You can see many other Windows 11 Tips here.