Shutdown timer, Restart, Log off for the computer
Usually the download, download large files from the Internet to your computer, often wait at night, when few people use to not affect, the download speed is also higher.
You can wait for it to finish downloading, but that will take time, sleepy. You can also leave the device running all night, but it's a waste of power, easily broken.
This is a free tool that helps you schedule and configure your computer to automatically shut down Shutdown after a period of time. In addition, you can set up a lot of other features such as: Restarting Restart, Sleep , Log off or even alarming for you.
First, download the tool to your device:
Select the Shutter to Download offline!
Shutdown timer, Restart, Log off for the computer Picture 1
You can choose to Download the installer file, or download the .Zip file. Zip file, extract it to run it is okay.
After installation, the software interface is as follows. The latest version has a slightly different interface. But still ensure two parts: Event and Action.
The Action section will be the options Shutdown, Restart, Sleep, . The Event you can choose when making the selection in Action. As shown in the picture, select Countdown and then set the timer, it will perform Shutdown or Restart, . when the timer runs out.
Shutdown timer, Restart, Log off for the computer Picture 2
In the Event you have many other options such as: Battery Low - When the Battery is low, Process Stops - When the software, the process on the computer is finished running, Low CPU Usage, On time - Schedule the time, execution time, .
Shutdown timer, Restart, Log off for the computer Picture 3
In the Action section you can choose Shutdown, reboot, hibernate, Sleep, mute audio and more.
Shutdown timer, Restart, Log off for the computer Picture 4
Click the Start button to get started. Then you go to sleep well
You should read it
- Pokémon Sleep iOS
- How to shorten sleep time but still ensure health?
- 15 'truths' completely wrong about sleep (part 1)
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- 6 best sleep monitoring and application apps on iOS
- Function sleep () in Python
- How to adjust the Sleep mode on Windows 7
- How to adjust the sleep time Windows 10, 7
- How to sleep in less than 1 minute?
- Surprise with proof that we sleep is to forget
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