15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

If you were born in poverty, it is not your fault. But if you die when you're still poor, it's your fault. is one of 15 famous sayings about Bill Gates' success and life.

The whole world knows the name of super rich billionaire Bill Gates , but very few people know his birth name is William Henry Gates . According to Bloomberg Billionaires Index, at the moment, billionaire Bill Gates only owns 4.5% of Microsoft shares even though Bill is the founder and bring this giant technology corporation to success today. . Most of the billionaire's assets have been donated to Cascade Investment LLC , a property and investment company he founded. Through Cascade Investment, Bill Gates owns shares of a wide range of companies from all sectors of business including the famous Four Seasons Hotels chain or Corbis Corp.

  1. 34 profound statements about life

This means that 25% of Bill Gates' assets come from Microsoft sources, while the remaining 75% is from business hotel, health care business as well as many other areas. Thus, it is clear that Bill Gates is a hotel billionaire, not a software technology billionaire, if he evaluates the wealth of a person according to the property he holds.

Picture 1 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Whether you like or don't like the billionaire Bill Gates, none of us can deny the event that took place on May 16, 2013 when Bill Gates officially spent $ 28 billion to build a charity. Bill Gates can convince many other billionaires in the world to donate 90% of their assets after their deaths, including Warren Buffett ( an American investor, entrepreneur and philanthropist - The famous philanthropist donated 99% of his property value to the Gates Association's activities founded by Bill Gates and also at the Grinnell university council ). If based on current assets of 78 billion USD, this figure has accounted for nearly half of the billionaire's total assets. In any case, temporarily put aside the huge numbers related to Bill Gates' property to reflect on his 15 famous quotes related to success and life !

Picture 2 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

If you were born in poverty, it is not your fault. But if you die when you're still poor, it's your fault.

Picture 3 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

I have failed a number of subjects, while my friend passed all tests. Now he is an engineer in Microsoft and I am the boss of Microsoft.

Picture 4 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

I often choose lazy people to do hard work. Because lazy people will always find the easiest way to do it.

Picture 5 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Towards the century [21], leadership will be the people who empower others.

Picture 6 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Success is a bad teacher. It fascinates smart people with the thought that they cannot fail

Picture 7 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

The place you can learn the most from is the most demanding customers.

Picture 8 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

If you think your teacher is too difficult, wait until you work under a boss. Then you will see for him there is no concept of tenure.

Picture 9 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Be kind to those crazy guys. Maybe someday you'll have to work for someone like that.

Picture 10 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Life is inherently unfair. Get used to it.

Picture 11 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

If you can't make it better, at least make it look good.

Picture 12 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Don't compare yourself to anyone in this world . If you do that, you're insulting yourself.

Picture 13 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Praising success is good, but more important is to pay attention to the lessons learned from failure.

Picture 14 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

I can understand the ambition to have millions of dollars, because it comes with meaningful freedom. But when you have too much money, more than a few million dollars above, I assure you that you only eat the same hamburger.

Picture 15 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

Capitalism worked very well. Anyone who wants to come to Korea is welcome.

Picture 16 of 15 famous quotes about Bill Gates' success and life

If your culture is not like crazy people, then you're probably in trouble.

Here's a biographical documentary about Bill Gates - Microsoft founder, one of the most powerful and wealthy companies in the world:

Refer to some more articles:

  1. Why is Bill Gates called a "eccentric genius"?
  2. Bill Gates: The secret of the life of the richest man in the world
  3. 12 weekend routines of successful people in the world

Having fun!

Update 23 May 2019


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