Taking Bill Gates as a model, many young people racing to quit college to become billionaires but not everyone knows the truth about his study.
Referring to Bill Gates, people will immediately think of a person who has dropped out of college halfway to establish a global tech company and became a billionaire in the hands of billion dollars at the age of 31.
Even his dropout is often discussed by many young people when asked about their studies. He is even a role model for many people who have good thinking skills and are not sure to succeed.
The fact that Bill Gates dropped out of college then became a billionaire is true but there are facts about his education that not everyone knows.
Taking Bill Gates as a model, many young people racing to quit college to become billionaires but not everyone knows the truth about his study. Picture 1
Bill Gates dropped out of school but that was Harvard University, which is always at the top of the world rankings. Before thinking about quitting school like Bill Gates, everyone needs to pass the entrance exam. Bill Gates' study was not trivial, but in 1973 he graduated from Lakeside with a SAT score (the standardized test for enrolling in some US universities) was 1590/1600.
It is often said that when Bill Gates was less than 10 years old, he had read it in the same way from AZ a set of encyclopedias. At the age of 11, Gates was able to take many chapters of the Gospel Bible. Bill Gates was acquainted with computers from an early age, even when he was in elementary school, he knew how to program on General Electric computers and create Tic-tac-toe games, allowing players to play with computers.
Taking Bill Gates as a model, many young people racing to quit college to become billionaires but not everyone knows the truth about his study. Picture 2
The teachers in the school even asked Bill Gates to build a program to arrange class schedules for the students in the class. With his mischief, Bill Gates corrected the code for his class to have the highest female student ratio in the school.
Realizing his son's outstanding intelligence, Bill Gates's parents took him to Lakeside, a famous Seattle private school to study with the hope that he could best develop. Here, Bill Gates met Paul Allen, like-minded friend and later became Microsoft co-founder.
Taking Bill Gates as a model, many young people racing to quit college to become billionaires but not everyone knows the truth about his study. Picture 3
In 1970, Bill Gates and Paul Allen teamed up to develop a Traf-o-Data traffic monitoring program and received $ 20,000. Ever since, the two had intended to open their own company but Gates's parents protested because he wanted him to complete the high school program and hoped he would become a lawyer.
In the fall of 1973, Bill Gates enrolled at Harvard University. From the first year, instead of going to lectures like other students, Bill Gates spent most of his time in the computer room. By 1975, Bill Gates had dropped out of school and many people could not regret it.
Since 1974, Allen also dropped out of the University of Washington and came to work with Gates to complete the Basic programming language. They sold this programming language copyright to MITS Company and then both joined the company.
In 1975, when the MITS Altair 8800 was based on an Intel 8080 processor, Gates and Allen realized this was an opportunity for them to create a computer software company. So Microsoft was founded and later became one of the most valuable companies in the world.
Taking Bill Gates as a model, many young people racing to quit college to become billionaires but not everyone knows the truth about his study. Picture 4
On November 20, 1985, Gates and Alle released the Windows operating system. In the following years, the operating system dominated the personal computer market in the world, accounting for more than 90% market share.
In 1987, when Microsoft shares reached $ 90.75 a share, Bill Gates became a billionaire. Since then, Gates has been at the top, or at least near the top, in the list of the 400 richest people in the United States voted by Forbes magazine every year.
Taking Bill Gates as a model, many young people racing to quit college to become billionaires but not everyone knows the truth about his study. Picture 5
In January 2000, Gates resigned as CEO of Microsoft and spent more time on charitable activities. In February 2014, he resigned from his position as Chairman of Microsoft. Currently, Bill Gates is working as a technology advisor to support CEO Satya Nadella.
When it was successful, Bill Gates once said a phrase and spread it to the legend: "I have learned everything but have never been at the top. But today, the leaders of the great universities Best learning is my staff ".
Although Bill Gates has an outstanding career after dropping out, Bill Gates advises students not to drop out of school like he did, saying: 'Stay in school, my students. Although I dropped out of school and was lucky enough to succeed in my career in software, a college degree is still a sure and safer way to succeed. '
Taking Bill Gates as a model, many young people racing to quit college to become billionaires but not everyone knows the truth about his study. Picture 6
To become a billionaire "drop out" like Bill Gates, Facebook founder Mark Zuckerberg, . you must have the will, the creativity and the same brain than the people, not every passion and leave school is able to build a career and achieve success like them.
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