10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

Everyone wants to become a wonderful person, both kind and thoughtful, and always trusted by people. However, not everyone is as I want. Here are 10 things that make you bad in the eyes of others that you may not realize.

Everyone wants to become a wonderful person, both kind and thoughtful, and always trusted by people. However, not everyone is as I want. In everyday life, there are many behaviors or " bad habits " that make people around feel uncomfortable , uncomfortable and make you " bad " in the eyes of others that you don't realize.

Please read the 10 bad habits below to check if you have it yourself. If yes, quickly modify it to improve yourself and score in the eyes of others!

1. You are always up to yourself

Picture 1 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

Many people often suffer from this " bad habit " without realizing it. You only focus on yourself, talking about yourself and often not caring about what the people around you are saying. You think that only you yourself have problems and consider it the most important. If you have such behaviors, please take the time to change. Nobody wants to be friends with people who care only about themselves.

2. You are too focused on the appearance but ignore the values ​​inside

Picture 2 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

Don't be surprised when the true beauty comes from each person's heart, body and soul. Appearance is not the most important factor, but less attractive people often think that external beauty is everything. See yourself in the mirror - deep inside yourself - and you will see the parts that are submerged within you. You will always be an ugly person if you don't change your own way of thinking.

3. You always compete with others

Picture 3 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

Are you the one who always wants to be better than others and willing to defy to do everything to be better than others? If so, then you are not attractive in the eyes of others. You should care more about your friends and consider the success of others to be the motivation for yourself to try. If your friend overcame his fear of heights and climbed to a 3m ( 10ft ) high mountain, don't say " That's all you can do? I've climbed 9m (30ft)! " Instead, say " Wow! It's great. I'm so proud of you. Come on! "

4. You see your friends as rivals

Picture 4 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

The " less attractive " people are often aggressive people, always in a state of rivalry , even jealous of friends, treating friends as their opponents. Instead of jealousy, fight with each other, care for each other in the right way, you'll always have good friends, support and care for you. Friends are not enemies but your allies .

5. Always want to be important in the eyes of friends

Picture 5 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

You will definitely be an unattractive person in your friends' eyes if you always show your friends your importance. For example, two of your friends go somewhere without you - that's normal for them - but it's a very serious problem for you. You think you are an indispensable factor. Put that thought away. They are still your friends and their lives will not stop without your presence.

6. You always want to lead everything

Picture 6 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

In a group of friends, everyone has an equal role. If you always want to make decisions for the whole group, impose people on your mind or try to control what others are doing, you are slowly forming a bad habit.

7. You are not honest

Picture 7 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

When you want to be a good friend or always with you, the most important thing is honesty . Many people often suffer from dishonest habits, lying about everything around them to please themselves. But if you have this personality, no one will play with you sooner or later. Because any relationship needs honesty.

8. You are impolite

Picture 8 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

If you are an impolite , offensive person or your friend often feels embarrassed, embarrassed by your rude comments in public, quickly fix it. Otherwise, no one wants to be with you anymore. There will be times when you disagree with someone or don't want to see something, you may think that the behavior is normal but for others it is terrible and you are like a cultureless person.

9. You are not reliable, often relying on others

Picture 9 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

Are you always willing to help friends when they need to? Or are you always making excuses when someone needs you? If you are someone who is not trusted by anyone, it is an unreliable relationship in friendship. Similarly, if you often ask for help from others and never want to do the opposite to help your friends, then you will no longer be a trusted person in your friends' eyes.

10. You are always pessimistic

Picture 10 of 10 things that make you 'bad' in the eyes of others may not be recognizable

Optimism is not an attractive quality, but if you often put things down or put in a negative situation, try to change your attitude. Because no one wants to be friends with someone who constantly sees things in a negative direction instead of being positive .

Update 24 May 2019


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