World Health Organization warns: Marburg - dengue virus is rare, horrible as Ebola re-exported

Marburg and Ebola virus both cause dengue. Marburg's victims have an average death rate of up to 88%. Uganda's Health Ministry fears the risk of a deadly pandemic like Ebola will break out.

Marburg and Ebola virus both cause dengue. Marburg's victims have an average death rate of up to 88%. Uganda's Health Ministry fears the risk of a deadly pandemic like Ebola will break out.

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This morning, the World Health Organization announced the situation caused by Marburg virus in Uganda and Kenya. Accordingly, the first 3 cases of Marburg virus infection reported by Uganda's Ministry of Health on November 3 died. Of the three patients who had one to Kenya before their death, the country was also in the "danger zone".

Currently, people who have been in contact with patients are being isolated for follow-up. One of them developed disease symptoms.

Picture 1 of World Health Organization warns: Marburg - dengue virus is rare, horrible as Ebola re-exported

Most patients suffering from this rare virus cause death.(Photo: DAILY MAIL).

Marburg virus attacks humans through an intermediate host of fruit or monkey bats. Dengue fever caused by this virus can be transmitted directly from person to person through blood and fluid, so its mortality rate is hundreds of times higher than that caused by Dengue dengue.

There are currently no vaccines and specific treatment drugs for Marburg viral hemorrhagic fever.

In 1967, the virus was first recorded in an outbreak in Germany and the former Yugoslavia by monkeys imported from Uganda. The last time the disease occurred in the Democratic Republic of Congo in 1998-2000 with a mortality rate of 80%.

Currently, countries have discovered patients are cooperating with WHO to conduct isolation and epidemic prevention measures. Because hemorrhagic fever caused by Marburg virus is one of the most infectious and easily outbreaks

Update 24 May 2019


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