Touching statuses clung to their ex

The touching statuses that hold your old lover will help you get the same love as before.

You broke up with your lover, but you realize that you can't forget the figure of your partner and your heart still has a lot of love for them. At this time everyone must expect the old people back to their side to write the unfinished love story. Want to talk a lot, share a lot so that the person understands your sincere heart but what to do! If you are not ready to meet the other person or worry about whether he wants to meet you or not, but you are very anxious to return to the old person, please send them the following, touching stt below, sure This will be the most effective solution right now. Through these messages you can convey all your feelings that sometimes face the person you cannot express .

1. I will wait until you come back to me.

2. I miss you more than I ever thought, don't leave me!

3. Never stop thinking about me. Please come home with me?

4. You are always in my mind and heart. Don't leave me!

5. Your world will be a great place if you have me. Don't leave me!

6. Far away from me is a very difficult thing for you - can we come back together?

7. If you know what love is, it's because of you - come back to me.

8. I miss you so much, from my far away my heart broke. We come back to you!

9. Even though we're not together, my love for you never fades away.

10. Let everything come back like before! I'm sorry and I can't live without you.

11. How can I move on whenever I remember you. That feeling really hurt him.

12. If you can take back what you said you would do, but you can't do that. I'm sorry!

13. Honey, the day I was born is the day I met you . And I will die the day I leave you .

14. I wish you were here or you were there with me. I wish we could go anywhere.

15. When he left the house today, he realized that he had missed something. And that is me.

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16. Make up for each other, let's talk together. Find a way to connect us again.

17. Let our lives go in the right direction again by accepting my apology.

18. I know you are lovely; I know you are very smart, but do you know that I still love you so much?

19. I'm sorry - I know who you are. We need to talk. You are always here. Please reply to my message.

20. Because the earth is round, I still think loving is holding hands tightly. If you've let go, don't let them get lost too far.

21. There is always room for forgiveness. Find it in my heart and give our love a chance.

22. You are lying if you say losing me is something you can bear. Can you come back to me?

23. Love makes life difficult to understand, but do you want to live without love? Please come back to me!

24. I am the star of my life. But when my love light fades away, I will lose everything. Please come back to me.

25. Our future depends on this apology! Please accept it and give us a chance to be together.

26. The sun rises and sets every day, but his world has stopped moving. It will continue to move if you come back to me.

27. After parting, people must forgive and forget. But if you don't forgive me, you can't forget!

28. I think about you before you fall asleep and when you wake up. Did you see it, I never got out of your thoughts.

29. Saying an apology is the first step to resuming a broken relationship. Now you send it to me, will you accept it?

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30. A little bit . Let me feel like I was loved again . Don't forget me for so long . I'm afraid I'll let go.

31. Sometimes I wish I never met you because after I fell asleep, I didn't know if he was like me.

32. Let's have a strong heart to love. And have a stronger heart to continue loving after being hurt . like him.

33. You always remind yourself that you have to do everything to bring me back, I love you so much, and I will never give up.

34. I still think about you. I still think about us. He will never give up or give up. He will move on to the end of the road.

35. Do you still remember when we were walking in the hands everywhere, do you think we can get that feeling again?

36. If you don't hug me, I will cry, if you don't stay with me, maybe you don't exist and if you don't come back, I'll definitely die.

37. I swear to myself that it can't happen again. He promised his best friend this time for the last time. You were wrong, forgive me!

38. When we are together or when we are apart, I am always the first thing I think about, and I am also the first person in my heart.

39. Love is when two people care and care for each other. Now that we know what happened, can we come back together?

40. I love you for the first time, but I don't love you. I love you for the second time, but then I thought, I don't love you, and never will. But even so, I still love you .!

41. Because I still love, I still keep, because I still love, so I still pull, because I still want to be 'each other' so I still remember . and because I still want to love, I can't let go. Give each other a chance!

42. Our mistake is that both of them put me too high, that no one will give up, I was too selfish to just hold him to myself . Give each other a second chance.

43. You are the beating in your heart, the sound in your laughter, are the tears in your eyes. You are my whole world - don't leave me!

44. You are not the best person in the world, but my love for you is more than everyone else. Cherish it and come back to me!

45. You might be wrong again if you don't send this sincere apology to me. I don't see you, but my heart is very close to me. Forgive me, my love!

46. ​​If you can remake everything that has happened between us, then you will do it but because you can't, I want to apologize to you. Please come back to me!

47. I can't forget the 2 years of happy memories with you, I can't even forget your face. Don't make me forget everything. Say it's just a dream. Say you're still here, right in my heart.

48. Didn't someone promise to forgive you if you knew wrong? Isn't there someone who has promised even though it will be humbled one step later . So why do you not forgive me when I know you are wrong?

49. I don't know what true love means until I come. And I will never feel the real pain until I leave you behind. Come back to me, honey.

50. There is a song in your mind. Make your thoughts always busy and that song is about me. I miss you very much. Do we come back together?

51. Hitting is painful, but it only brings anger. Words can hurt a heart. But silence broke his heart. Please answer me.

52. Because, having more great reasons for belief will prevent that love from being 'come together' again . cherish what you have. I believe, if you are hearing my words, I will come back to you and give you both a chance.

53. I don't see you often when you want. You must not hug me to sleep every night. But deep down in his heart, he knew. I am the only one, and I will never let you go.

54. People say 'if you love each other even if you're apart, you'll meet again', I used to say it was frivolous, but now I hope it's true. I hope you will come back one day, stand in front of me and say 'I love you'.

55. The day I confessed to you . I laughed . The day I parted with you . I laughed . Because I still can't believe that parting is real . I don't believe it so I have to laugh to think 'just you temporarily leave me '. I believe you will come back one day. Should I be friends with my ex?

56. Whatever the reason, neither side will love the old, should not love twice a person .

57. The old mistake I caused was too big, no matter how deep our love is, I know I can't go back and be together .

58. One of us has once been between the three lines of love. There are junctions that are a new shore, new emotions, new images and also a person we aspire to once. But there are also roads where there are only old and nostalgic pastes, but if they come back for a while, they will knock me down .

59. I remember when I was babbling with a guitar, I always supported, I didn't know how to press gamblers, cracked like a firecrackers but I still listened intently . Memories are probably a thing of life with busy life Busy, but my dear, there are times when we remember each other, sometimes we fall in love with each other like the beginning.

60. Sent to my ex: my afternoon is here, still so, fresh and love life is just without you, enjoying everything you like . What about you ? If not happy, then go to like picture, you increase the view to help me .

61. He used to say: I believe, if each other's is bound to be each other's. I believed in that, like news . 'Because of the round earth, the lovers will come back together'. Because I love each other so despite misunderstandings, difficulties will eventually come back together. I believe you will come back to me.

62. I realize I love you so much, how important I am to you. Please give me the opportunity to love you again, even if it is only 1%, I will try my best to win that 99% and build my dream home with you.

63. We meet, we like each other, then we are apart. The sky of the summer of that year was because he was very green, around the time of spring because of him, but more beautiful. But the fate is short, only to blame anyone. Although living in the same city, I just wish my whole life would not meet again, simply because I could let the pain be quiet.


64. If you lose me, just hope that time will pass quickly, I hope your life will pass quickly so that in the next life, you and I will do it again from the beginning. I will wait for you as I have been waiting, and I will be together forever, no longer separated, no more grief

65. Do you know how much I miss you? Do you know how annoying you are? I don't need to know, because these things should only be for you to endure, I only need you in my heart, only you, all the rest are for you to shoulder. I just need you to come back to me, be peaceful with me.

66. If you still blame me for leaving me in the past, I would apologize seriously. Whatever you want to punish me, just beg him not to leave me.

67. I still have to live to wait for you, because of the promise you will come to me, because of the belief that my beloved is me, the person I want to live for is my life.

68. The first time I saw you crying. And I believe that I am crying because of happiness, not tears of sadness because of my hopeless time of love. I am silent but I believe that I will return to you .

69. Let's be with you like I said, let me love you like you used to, be like this, darling, even though there are times of pain, fatigue, but we will always be together to placate and go through it all.
My dear! Do not leave me.

70. Don't tell me to break up and tell him to love someone else to end a love that doesn't go straight. I can't love someone else to find me, I can't pretend to be with my own feelings, I can't smile saying I'm okay when I turn away, I can't, can't live without you , honey!

71. I miss you so much, I also change to care more about you. Every day I hope you give me a chance to love and care for you.

72. I cried a lot because a past did not bring me happiness, I just asked for a chance to do it again and promised myself that I would change everything to love you and take care of you.


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73. I still love you . I used to be so sweet, but I haven't heard it for a long time. Nature, love comes back. I thought I had forgotten you for a long time, thinking that I would be angry with you but not. I keep watching you often, silently watching photos, watching my stt and comments. Turns out, he's still there. I was just different. Thank you for loving me like that. Thank you after all you are not sulking me but also trying to make you as comfortable as possible when talking.

See more:

  1. Touching status for couples who are far away
  2. These stt or talk about betrayal in love
  3. Good status and meaning about couple love


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