Will feature new screen capture for Windows 10
Although Windows has already implemented several ways to create screen capture tools, a new feature has just been discovered on Windows 10 Redstone 5 called Screen Clip. This feature allows users to drag the selection on the screen and then create a photo from there.
Originally discovered by WalkingCat , it was confirmed by Fafael Rivera of Thurrot on Redstone 5 Build 17639. Redstone 5 is the next Windows 10 update, after Spring Creators Update is about to appear.
This feature has a Quick Action mode, when it is turned on, it displays a full-screen layer with 3 options, including a square selection, free selection and full screen selection. With these 3 tools, select the image area you want to grab. Below is an example of a rectangular selection created by Rivera.
Will feature new screen capture for Windows 10 Picture 1
Create a selection by dragging the familiar mouse button
The registration key of this new Quick Action can be found at.
HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINESOFTWAREMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionActionCenterQuick ActionsAllQuickActions_Launcher_ScreenClipping
Will feature new screen capture for Windows 10 Picture 2
Registry of Screen Clip
This is a simple but very useful feature, especially when there are more types of options, such as selecting a certain window or creating a GIF or video image from the selection.
See more:
- Microsoft released Windows 10 Redstone update 5 build 17639, comprehensively improving Windows Sets
- The next update of Windows 10 will be called Spring Creators Update
- How to get Tab on File Explorer in Windows 10
You should read it
- How to take a screenshot on Windows 11
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