Why does modern Japan still use squat toilets?

Here are the reasons why Japanese people prefer to use squat toilets.

The method of squatting squatting is almost replaced by a toilet seat in many countries around the world. But in Japan, the seemingly obsolete squat toilet type is still installed and used in many public areas and some families?

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Here are the reasons why Japanese people prefer to use squat toilets.

1. Useful for health

Squat is one of the most common movements when exercising, making your legs stronger and firmer. And the posture of squatting is similar to that of squat. Therefore, the squat toilet is also called a squat toilet.

Picture 1 of Why does modern Japan still use squat toilets?
Squat sitting posture is similar to the action of squat.

Scientists have studied three popular "defecation" postures: squatting, sitting on a low toilet, sitting on a high toilet. The results show that squatting is the best sitting posture, bringing many benefits to people. Squatting is a natural sitting posture, which can help us avoid hemorrhoids, appendicitis.

Picture 2 of Why does modern Japan still use squat toilets?

When you sit in the squat, rectum form is fully opened while reducing the pressure on the table, avoiding the occurrence of foot numbness. In contrast, when you sit on the toilet, the rectum does not fully open, but rather like a knotted tube that makes the intestinal waste not completely flushed out.

In short, the right way to go to the toilet is right and scientific and good for health is squatting.

2. Don't have to sit in the toilet with anyone

Use squash means you will have to sit on a surface that has been used by many others. This makes you susceptible to dirt, water, and even skin diseases.

Picture 3 of Why does modern Japan still use squat toilets?

Sanitary equipment considered obsolete is gradually being replaced.

Even if you have paper lined up on the seat, this solution is practically ineffective, even increasing the exponential bacterial contact area, increasing the risk of contamination.

But with squat-style toilets, you don't have to worry about being dirty by others.

3. Simple design, easy cleaning

Cleaning the toilet is the most depressing job of cleaning the house. You will have to "wrestle" with nasty stains, sticking to many small corners in the toilet, toilet lid, water tank.

But with squatting toilets it is different, with a simple design you do not worry about time and effort to clean.

Update 24 May 2019


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