Incidentally: Used toilet paper can be recycled into electricity

According to calculations, if using the amount of paper emitted by Amsterdam people each year (about 10,000 tons) will generate enough electricity for 6,400 households to use.

Used toilet paper is one of the types of waste that is ranked at the top of waste.

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Some environmental organizations have statistics and results, on average, each European person releases about 14kg of toilet paper per year. In other countries like the US, this number is even larger. This is a huge waste.

Incidentally: Used toilet paper can be recycled into electricity Picture 1Incidentally: Used toilet paper can be recycled into electricity Picture 1

Recently, a chemist from the University of Amsterdam (UvA - Netherlands) thought about recycling this kind of waste. He and his colleagues devised a way to turn toilet paper into electricity.

The researchers collected dirty toilet paper from the mixture at the wastewater treatment plant, then dried them and converted them into gas in the closed room at a temperature of 900 degrees Celsius. moisture and obtained a mixture of methane, carbon dioxide and carbon monoxide. These gases are pumped into solid oxygen fuel cells (SOFCs), which convert the chemical energy of fuel into electricity. The amount of carbon emissions in the whole process is only 1/6 of that of a coal plant.

Incidentally: Used toilet paper can be recycled into electricity Picture 2Incidentally: Used toilet paper can be recycled into electricity Picture 2 Process of converting used toilet paper into electrical energy.

The process of generating electricity from used toilet paper is about 57% efficient, roughly equivalent to the energy revolving efficiency in natural gas power plants and 2 to 3 times higher than burning. paper. The cost will be on par with the installation of the most advanced solar power system today.

According to calculations, if using the amount of paper emitted by Amsterdam people each year (about 10,000 tons) will generate enough electricity for 6,400 households to use. An extremely impressive result.

Researchers hope that this recycling model will soon be applied in the Netherlands and many countries around the world.

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