What test you know about operating system P13

A set of multiple-choice operating system questions that help readers re-examine their knowledge and contribute positively to your work. The set of questions consists of 15 sentences with many different topics, invite readers to try.

  1. Question 1. When a process is created and the memory is not enough, it will be inserted into the list:
    1. Task list (Job list)
    2. List ready (Ready list)
    3. List waiting (waiting list)
  2. Sentence 2. Which of the following statements is incorrect:
    1. The signal processing process is its own way
    2. Signal processing process by calling signal processing function
    3. The process can exchange data
    4. The process can inform each other about an event
  3. Question 3. The fastest method to exchange information between processes
    1. Pipeline
    2. Shared memory
    3. Exchange messages
    4. Socket
  4. Question 4. Which of the following techniques cannot be effectively applied in a distributed system
    1. Pipe (Pipe)
    2. Shared memory
    3. Exchange messages
    4. Socket
    5. Sentences c and d are correct
  5. Question 5. Which of the following techniques is a direct communication between two processes
    1. Pipe (Pipe)
    2. Shared memory
    3. Exchange messages
    4. Socket
  6. Question 6. When dealing with a domain problem, which of the following is not necessary:
    1. No two processes are in the domain at the same time
    2. Must assume the speed of processes, as well as the number of processors
    3. A process outside the domain must not prevent other processes from entering the domain
    4. There is no process to wait indefinitely to enter the domain
  7. Question 7. In the following synchronous process solutions, which solution violates the condition 'There are no two processes in the same domain at the same time'.
    1. Use flagging variables
    2. Use alternately
    3. Peterson solution
    4. Sentences b and c are correct
  8. Question 8. In the following process synchronization solutions, which solution solves the exclusive access problem on computers that have one or more processors sharing a common memory area?
    1. Exchange messages
    2. Monitor
    3. Semaphone
    4. Sleep and Wakeup
    5. Sentences a and b are correct
    6. Sentences b and c are correct
  9. Question 9. In the following solutions, which solution is pending but still consumes the CPU
    1. Sleep and Wakeup
    2. Monitor
    3. Semaphone
    4. Busy waiting
    5. Exchange messages
  10. Question 10. In the following congestion prevention measures, which measures are likely to affect the system's data integrity protection:
    1. The process must require all resources before processing
    2. When a process requires a new resource and is denied, it must release the occupied resource, then be re-allocated the same time as the new resource.
    3. Allows the system to recover resources from locked processes and allocate them back to the process when it is removed from the locked state.
    4. A and B are correct
    5. Sentences b and c are correct
  11. Question 11. In order to prevent congestion we must ensure at least one of the conditions causing the congestion to not occur, in the following conditions which conditions are unlikely to be implemented.
    1. There are resource uses that cannot be shared
    2. Occupation and additional resource requests cannot be shared
    3. Do not recover resources from the process that is holding them
    4. There exists a cycle in the resource allocation graph
  12. Question 12. In the resource allocation graph, resources are represented by
    1. Circle
    2. Rhombus
    3. Square
    4. Triangular
  13. Question 13. In the resource allocation graph, the process is shown by
    1. Circle
    2. Rhombus
    3. Square
    4. Triangular
Update 24 May 2019


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