What is saffron? How does saffron work?

Saffron is a very hot keyword today, so what is saffron really? How is the use of saffron so sought by so many people? Follow the below article of TipsMake to answer these questions!

Picture 1 of What is saffron? How does saffron work?

What is saffron?

Saffron is also known as saffron flower pistil. This is a genus of plants of the genus, native to Crete but later introduced into North Africa and the Eurasian continent.

Unlike the unusual flowers blooming in the spring, saffron flowers choose the freezing time to bloom. Each saffron tree has only 4 flowers and each flower has only 3 pistils.

The harvest of saffron is completely manual. According to statistics, to make 1kg of saffron people will need 150,000 flowers and 400 hours of labor along with the efforts of many workers. For that reason, saffron pistil is considered one of the 10 most expensive ingredients in the world and the most expensive spice on the planet.

The original saffron pistil will be red, after drying or drying, it will turn a little dark. When soaked in water they will secrete yellow water with a slightly bitter and slightly bitter taste.

Saffron is known for many different uses, but when used, people take only a very small amount, 1 gram of saffron can be processed to 100 different dishes.

Today, saffron is produced primarily from Iran and India.

Picture 2 of What is saffron? How does saffron work?

Learn the uses of saffron

With expensive prices, high-end types can cost $ 35,000 / 1kg. However, it is still hunted by many people. The reason is because saffron's use for health is amazing.

The use of saffron for health

With many great uses for health, saffron is considered the drug of the third millennium.

Specifically the health effects of saffron are as follows:

1. Support treatment of depression, memory loss

In saffron pistil, there are compounds such as Flavonoids, tannins, anthocyanins, alkaloids, saponins . these are important substances in balancing neurotransmitters in the brain, especially reduce the risk of serotonin loss (one of the main causes of depression).

According to studies, saffron has the same effect as antidepressants and reduces many neurological diseases.

Using 30 mg / day for 6 consecutive weeks, dementia and depression of patients will be significantly improved.

2. Prevent the formation of cancer cells

A 24-year study from 1990 to 2014 found that saffron pistil contains Crocin, Crocetin, Picrocrotin and Safranal essences - all of which are promising substances in the treatment of cancer. . They help support the absorption of drugs and inhibit malignant cells, preventing them from spreading to other healthy cells.

New patients who detect cancer or healthy people can use saffron by mixing tea as daily water or combining it for cooking.

Picture 3 of What is saffron? How does saffron work?

3. Improve the digestive system

Saffron saffron pistil contains Carotenoid, which is important for promoting digestive system. Specifically, they have anti-inflammatory effects, treatment of gastric ulcers, ulcerative colitis, treatment of gastrointestinal disorders.

4. Good for cardiovascular health

Compounds such as Riboflavin, Croceti, vitamin . in saffron pistil have the effect of regulating cholesterol in the blood to prevent atherosclerosis and lowering blood pressure to help maintain the activity of blood vessels and arteries. healthy.

In addition, saffron also increases the body's ability to absorb potassium for reducing arterial pressure, reducing stress on the cardiovascular system .

5. Support to improve eyesight

Crocin in saffron pistil helps to circulate blood to the retina and its membranes to help treat neurological diseases and clean free radicals that damage the macula.

In addition, carotenoids such as zeaxanthine and flavomoid in saffron pistil also work to reduce the aging of retinal cells. In addition, the "pre-vitamin A" substances in the pistil are also extremely nutritious for the eyes, helping the visual cells become brighter.

6. Reduce premenstrual eggs

The congenital period of menstruation causes pain and discomfort for women. One of the possible causes is the lack of female hormonal balance. Using saffron pistil will work to regulate hormones to reduce symptoms of dysmenorrhea, cramps .

The use of saffron for beauty

Besides the great health benefits, saffron saffron pistil is also hunted by the sisters and is likened to "fairy medicine" for beauty.

1. Make skin even more color and brighter

Saffron does not help bright white skin quickly but it works from deep inside, helping her skin become healthier and more evenly colored.

The lightening and evenness effect of saffron is due to the mechanism of inhibiting the activity of tyrosinase enzyme (This is a substance that acts to synthesize melanin pigment, protect skin cells from the harmful effects of UVB radiation, and prevent Sunny, reduce the risk of skin cancer.

You can combine saffron as a daily drink, and you can soak it with sugar-free milk, olive oil or almond oil and massage your face.

2. Effective dark circles

Dark circles around the eyes cause many problems for women. This may be a sign of lack of sleep, lack of nutrients or poor circulation. This condition will be quickly improved by beneficial essences in saffron pistil.

You just need to soak a little pistil with rose water and coconut oil then massage gently around the eyes for 15 minutes and rinse with clean water. Persistently, you will see unexpected results.

Picture 4 of What is saffron? How does saffron work?

3. Treat acne and scars

Thanks to its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, saffron pistil is considered "salvage" for many women with acne. In addition to the ability to treat acne, it also helps prevent acne from returning.

You can use them to mix with basil leaves, a little rose water then gently rub on your face and rinse with clean water. Performing 2-3 times / week will help bruises caused by acne quickly heal and help the skin look brighter.

4. An effective exfoliating mixture

Using saffron flower pistil in combination with yogurt, salt, rice bran powder to make a exfoliating mixture will give you extremely unexpected results.

The skin is not only deep cleansed but also helps restore regeneration to give it a fresh, smooth appearance. Note that you should only do it up to 2 times a week.

5. Provides moisture to the skin

Adequate moisture is an important step in beauty. Saffron pistil contains fast absorbing nutrients, deeply moisturizes without clogging pores.

You can mix saffron pistil with a few drops of lemon juice and honey, cover for about 15 minutes then rinse gently.

6. Treat melasma effectively

The vitamins, plant proteins in saffron pistil have anti-aging effects, promote the body to produce collagen, blurring dark spots. At the same time, help restore the skin after injury, improve wrinkles to help skin smooth.

Picture 5 of What is saffron? How does saffron work?


The above article has helped you to understand what saffron is, how much saffron works and how much it costs 1 gram of saffron. With extremely wonderful uses, saffron deserves to accompany you in the process of health care, beauty for yourself and your neighbors.

Update 09 July 2019


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