What is a condom? Condoms used to do?

Still know when sex should use condoms but not everyone understands what condoms to do and how they work.


You've probably heard the radio or someone said you should use a condom when having sex. So do you know what condoms are ? What do condoms use for ? Please read our article if you have not really understood it.


  1. What is a condom? The effect of condoms
  2. How to use condoms
  3. Notes when using condoms

What is a condom? The effect of condoms

Condoms (BCS) are a device used to reduce the chance of becoming pregnant and the risk of infection of gonorrhea, eyelashes, HIV, . when having sex. People also call condoms with many different names such as penis, cathode (French), condom (English), rubber bag, raincoat (slang). Material for making condoms is usually synthetic plastic, polyisoprene, sheep intestine, . with high durability and elasticity.

Condoms are divided into different categories such as female condoms, male condoms, condom condoms, bi condoms, condoms that help extend time, ultra-thin condoms, . About brands, Durex and Sagami are the two best known names in the condom market. The variety of condoms gives users more choices while contributing to improving sexual quality.

Condoms used to do? In fact, the main use of condoms is to reduce the possibility of pregnancy and the risk of sexually transmitted diseases. In addition, condoms are also used to contain semen when treating infertility or for other purposes other than the sexual relations such as waterproofing for products, rifle head covers, etc.

Although it does not bring about absolute effectiveness, condoms are still considered the best protection when having sex. Compared to the use of birth control pills, condoms are cheaper and have fewer side effects.

Picture 1 of What is a condom? Condoms used to do?

Picture of condoms

How to use condoms

Here are instructions on how to use condoms that you can refer to and apply:

Step 1: Check condoms

A torn condom will reduce the protection effect. So before having sex, you need to check if the condom is torn. If torn, replace it with a new one.

Step 2 : Gently squeeze the knob of the condom to push air out to the outside

Step 3 : Capture the beam on the tip of the penis

Step 4 : Swipe the condom to cover the penis

Step 5 : After ejaculation, remove the condom from the penis, tighten the mouth of the condom and put it in the trash.

When using a condom, people also use lubricating gel to increase the moisture and mucus for the vagina, thereby limiting the feeling of pain when having sex.

Notes when using condoms

  1. Always check the expiry date of a condom
  2. Tear the package carefully, avoid tearing the bag
  3. Choose products of the right size
  4. Only wear condoms when the penis is hard
  5. Do not pull too tight
  6. Do not stretch the condom before wearing
  7. Each condom is used only once
  8. Lubricating gel should be used in combination with condoms
  9. 'Withdrawal' in time to prevent the bag from falling or semen spilling out
  10. Store condoms correctly, avoid near sharp iron objects or direct sunlight
  11. If there is a tearing or tearing situation when you are having sex, you should immediately seek other preventive measures

Picture 2 of What is a condom? Condoms used to do?

Use condoms the right way to protect yourself

Hopefully our article has helped you understand what BCS is , the effect of condoms as well as usage. You can find out more Where to buy condoms for quality assurance.

>>> More references:

  1. Surprise with 10 useful uses of condoms, surely many people do not know
  2. What is the ratio of tearing condoms? How to know if a condom is torn
  3. The mistake to avoid when using a condom to 'love' is more secure
  4. Unexpected facts about condoms you may not know
  5. Tips to limit premature ejaculation with condoms
Update 24 May 2019


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