What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use washing hose smarter than toilet paper. This is the question of many people. Let's find out the answer to this question with TipsMake.com through the article below!

What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use washing hose smarter than toilet paper. This is the question of many people. Let's find out the answer to this question with TipsMake.com through the article below!

Picture 1 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

What is a bidet?

Bidet, also known as smart toilet equipment, has a design similar to a regular toilet lid but is equipped with additional sprays and control buttons. They have the function of creating jets of water at a pressure of 70 - 690kPa, neither too strong nor too light and help the cleaning take place quickly without damaging the skin. The device is often placed close to the toilet or attached to a toilet to form a smart toilet, helping to provide self-cleaning and hygiene features for the user.

Classification of bidet

Smart sanitary equipment is divided into 3 categories:

  1. Hygiene spray: This type is widely used and very popular in Vietnam. After going to the toilet, users only need to hold and hold the faucet to wash, but this product will easily wet clothes and wet the floor.
  2. Pots bidet: This type is not popular in Vietnam and can be found in some countries in Europe. This device is almost like a toilet and is placed flush with the toilet. After solving the sadness, users will sit down to wash.
  3. Modern Bidet: This type of bidet is 'causing fever' in Vietnam market and is popular in the world. This device is added to the toilet. After going to the toilet, users just need to turn the control button, the nozzle will automatically flow out and automatically wash water for you. Users can feel secure and hygienic when not having to hold the nozzle as before.

Picture 2 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

Most modern bidets are equipped with different outstanding features, but in general they have the basic functions such as:

  1. Automatic washing: Users just need to press the button equipped on the toilet, then the water faucet will automatically spray and conduct toilet cleaning. A special feature of this function is that the device also has the ability to sense the area to be cleaned and automatically disconnects when the user stands up.
  2. Drying: After washing with water, bidet will help you spray dry with cool air, helping users save on the cost of buying toilet paper and does not cause discomfort.
  3. Smart function: Bidet owns a cleansing 'cleansing' regime and a gentle wash mode for women when walking lightly or until the red light day .
  4. Convenient mode: Comfortable, comfortable massage wash mode and automatic cleaning nozzle.
  5. Modern features: Bidet can warm water, warm toilet seat cover, suitable for the winter.

Why should use smart sanitary equipment?

Smart sanitary equipment gives users a lot of utilities, was born to help users clean the lower body after solving the sadness. In particular, when using the bidet will help you:

  1. Cost savings: It is estimated that each year your family will have to spend 6 million VND to buy toilet paper, which is very wasteful and affects the environment. However, now, when the smart washing nozzle was born, you only have to spend 1 million for this and use it for a long time.
  2. Help your child become independent: If before, every time the child went to the toilet, you had to struggle for hygienic cleaning, now with smart toilet equipment, they can clean themselves without using your help. Hygienic faucets are smartly designed, easy to use, and children can easily use, just sit and turn the button.
  3. Good for women: Unlike regular wash nozzles, the spray is strong and must be hand-held. Smart cleaning device is very gentle, helping women avoid inflammation caused by the bleaching of paper of toilet paper and preventing gynecological diseases.
  4. Support for the elderly, the sick: The sick and the elderly are two cases of difficulty in toileting and need the help of relatives or nurses. When using the smart wash nozzle will help them clean, easy without using help after going to the toilet anymore.
  5. Avoid clogging toilets: Frequent flushing of paper into the toilet is a major cause of toilet congestion. However, using a smart wash nozzle not only helps you limit the use of toilet paper to avoid clogging, but also helps you save up to cost.

Picture 3 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

Why do Japanese people like to use intelligent washing hose?

Bidet is famous as a smart sanitary equipment that is commonly used in many countries around the world, especially Japan. Japan is a famous country with a very modern culture, a civilized lifestyle and a very high sense of hygiene. They always think that going to the toilet is for enjoyment and need to be comfortable, using paper for them is a 'weird' item that should not be used in the family. Toilet paper pollutes the environment and causes many of the virgin forests to disappear.

The chemicals used in the processing of wood into paper can knock down trees, causing serious damage to the environment, caused by CO 2 mixing into the air and industrial wastewater seeping into the soil. . Therefore, smart sanitary equipment is popularly used in this land of cherry blossoms and gradually spread throughout the world. Saving toilet paper is a beautiful act that the Japanese have pioneered to protect the living environment, life and health.

Some types of bidet are the most popular today

1. Luva Bidet LB201 smart cleaning faucet

Luva Bidet LB201 is manufactured based on modern Korean technology lines, ensuring extremely good durability.

Products made of ABS plastic, good strength, anti-cracking, for longer use performance.

The nozzle is compact in size and does not take up a lot of installation space.

Luva Bidet LB201 smart washbasin is integrated with 2 spraying modes and the water supply is from the available toilet.

The device is non-electric, easy to install and only takes a few minutes for you to use many times.

Picture 4 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

2. Hyundae Bidet HB-7000 single nozzle sanitary equipment

Hyundae Bidet HB-7000 single nozzle sanitary equipment is conveniently designed with 1 nozzle, helping users to clean up to a maximum and quickly.

Hyundae Bidet HB-7000 uses water pressure to clean, users can adjust the amount of water simply and easily.

The product is made of plastic, lightweight and detachable for cleaning.

Picture 5 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?


3. LUVA Bidet LB202 smart cleaning faucet

LUVA Bidet LB202 smart cleaning faucet has 2 washing modes: anal washing and washing women.

Convenient control panel has a self-cleaning mode, usually used when there are debris on the outside, users only need to adjust to this mode.

LUVA Bidet LB202 has wash mode with hot, cold water depending on the needs of users. This is the biggest difference compared to other products available on the market.

Products can adjust the temperature by turning knob, installed in 10 minutes without buying additional accessories.

Picture 6 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

4. Smart toilet lid Luva Bidet LB203

The Luva Bidet LB203 smart toilet lid is equipped with 2 separate toilet and urinal washers and a nozzle function for women.

The device has a convenient adjustment knob to suit the sanitary needs of the user.

Using the product will help protect the environment when not using paper, maximum cost savings.

Luva Bidet LB203 uses no electricity, the mechanical knob design helps you choose the functions more easily.

Smart spray nozzle has a simple design, suitable for common toilet types.

Products are made from high quality plastic, withstand strong impacts from outside, safe for the health of users.

Picture 7 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

5. Hyundae Bidet HB-100 single nozzle sanitary equipment 

Bidet HB-100 Hyundae has a luxurious white color, ultra-slim design and is suitable for many types of toilet.

Mechanical control panel is ergonomically designed, easy to use.

The device is made of high quality plastic, has extremely good anti-rust ability when exposed to regular water.

Hyundae Bidet HB-100 single nozzle sanitary equipment is lightweight, non-electrical and simple installation in just 10 minutes.

Picture 8 of What is a bidet? Why do Japanese people prefer to use intelligent washing hose rather than toilet paper?

Note when using smart sanitary equipment

Because smart washing equipment is quite new in the Vietnamese market, so many people have fallen into a situation of 'bad crying and laughing'. Therefore, when using smart sanitary ware, users need to pay attention to the following:

  1. Absolutely do not set foot on the toilet seat because intelligent toilet equipment is integrated with advanced electronic touch features.
  2. Do not throw garbage or toilet paper in the toilet.
  3. When you have finished using the restroom, check that the toilet is completely flushed before going out.
  4. Clean the toilet regularly to ensure hygiene.
  5. Never pour soapy water into the toilet.
  6. Do not use strong acidic cleaners for cleaning.

The above is some useful information to help you answer the question of what is bidet and why Japanese people prefer to use the washing machine smarter than toilet paper. Hopefully, this information will help readers understand and make the choice to buy smart bidet toilet equipment for their families. Thank you for your interest!

Update 24 April 2020


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