Unexpected facts about condoms you may not know

Did you know that condoms - companions for lovers have unexpectedly interesting facts. Follow this article of Quantrimang to discover those secrets.

Did you know that condoms - companions for lovers have unexpectedly interesting facts. Follow this article of Quantrimang to discover those secrets.

>> See also: What is a condom? Condoms used to do?

Picture 1 of Unexpected facts about condoms you may not know

1. Women can also use condoms

Of course, women do not use the same condom with men. The world of condoms is actually richer than you think with the following 4 basic types:

Fabric condom:

You may not know it, but there have been condoms that use linen as a material. However, these 'condoms' are obsolete and are no longer used.

Latex condom:

Currently, most condoms are made of latex. However, there are some products made with non-latex materials for those who are allergic to the material, these products are usually made of polyisoprene rubber.

Sheep skin condoms:

If you are unfortunately allergic to both types of condoms, don't worry too much. Experts also anticipated this case and produced a sheepskin condom. Although the name is called, this kind of condom is actually made from sheep intestines.

Condoms for women:

The type of female condom used is quite different from the male condom. However, these products are still designed to protect you from unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases.

2. Not all condoms have a cap

Most condom lines will have a cap at the top, which has sperm function. However, some brands do not design caps for their products.

You can freely use both types as they have been thoroughly researched and then launched into the market, they can ensure all the necessary functions and create maximum comfort for the fun of 2 people. .

On a small note, if the type of 'raincoat' is your favorite type of condom, be sure to avoid getting air in during the process of removing condoms for use, as they are very easy to tear.

3. Women buy more condoms than men

Surely you will be surprised to learn that: Almost half of all condoms are sold by women. However, they do not buy so they can use it for their husbands or partners to use.

However, this is not a shameful thing, but the opposite is good for both. You must always be proactive in protecting your friends' health, so you should reserve condoms so you can use them whenever necessary.

Picture 2 of Unexpected facts about condoms you may not know

4. Condoms do not reduce pleasure

>> See also: Does condom reduce the pleasure when fighting?

Many studies have been done on this issue. The results show that couples can still enjoy sex and condoms do not affect their satisfaction level. The important thing is that you need to know how to choose a condom that fits the boy's size and the desire of your partner.

5. Condoms and wheel tires made from the same material

Condoms used to be made of the same rubber that makes tire tires! Charles Goodyear's vulcanization process led to the first condom being produced in 1855. That's why we call products that help protect the body from diseases and prevent Preventing this unwanted pregnancy is . condoms .

6. Only 5% of men use condoms

This is the result of surveys of many different countries in the world. Therefore, it is inevitable that there are some areas where people cannot easily access contraceptive methods.

However, you should know that the errors are often very small, so the 5% figure is very low.

7. Condoms make the "girl" healthier

According to a study, if using condoms regularly, sex will help the good bacteria in the vagina grow stronger, thereby balancing vaginal pH and preventing harmful bacteria from growing. flourish, prevent infection effectively.

Picture 3 of Unexpected facts about condoms you may not know

8. Condoms are "multi-functional"

In addition to accompanying safer lovers, condoms are also used in many different purposes.

In Cuba, people use condoms to catch fish, blow balls and stealthy wine into bars. In this country, if parents can't find bubbles in their birthday, they will take Vigor condoms and blow them up, then shape them like they want or even smile on them.

The bubble with a condom even appeared very popular at baseball competitions, concert events or other entertainment events in this South American country.

In many other places, they use condoms to preserve food, make gauze, water resistant for phones .

>> See more: Surprise with 10 useful uses of condoms, surely many people do not know

9. Magnum is not the largest condom

Although it is a line of condoms that are famous for products that can be used for medium-sized penis, but can still be stretched to fit into large penis, Magnum (USA) is still not a firm producing the largest type of condom.

TheyFit (UK) is a new condom firm that provides the largest product category (G31). As far as the brand is concerned, its products can fit even the circumference penis of a Pringle potato chip holder.

10. Bill Gates hangs a prize for quality condoms

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation has raised awards of up to $ 100,000 for anyone who can make a better quality condom. This sounds like a joke to attract attention, but it is extremely important for the goal of preventing the spread of HIV / AIDS.

Outward remittance:

Here are some samples of condoms being used by most couples today.

1. Sagami condom Original 0.02 (box of 6 units) - Reference price: 265,000 VND.

Being evaluated as the world's thinnest condom , Sagami Original 0.02 always proved its attraction. That is reflected by the rapid increase in the number of people choosing this bag.

With a thickness of only 0.02mm Sagami Original brings true feeling to surprise. Most couples were asked if they felt that using Sagami Original was so real that they didn't think they were "acting" with them.

However, in terms of cost it seems a bit more modest than regular condom models. Therefore, consider when choosing.

Picture 4 of Unexpected facts about condoms you may not know

2. Durex Performa condom - Reference price: 210,000 VND.

Is a product of Durex - a famous global brand. Durex Performa is also trusted by many users, not only because of high quality, affordable price but also because this is a package that can prolong the relationship time.

Picture 5 of Unexpected facts about condoms you may not know

The facts about the above condoms can be seen as gentle "reminders" for men before "fighting" with the woman I love. Always prepare a condom to enjoy it completely and still ensure the health of both.

Update 24 May 2019


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