This effect is also set to 30% grayscale.
This effect has a fairly high exposure. Set it to 30% grayscale.
The abstract painting prompt is set to 30% gray.
You can also create style reminders to imitate famous artists, such as In the Style of Van Gogh . For this image, the post sets the grayscale to 35%.
You can also leave the reminder field blank, as in the example above, and let Photoshop use the random option.
The example above used the prompt it's been a bad day and Photoshop produced a beautiful, artistic image.
It seems that random prompts and leaving the text field completely blank will produce the same result. But you will see changes as you increase the grayscale percentage and allow more effects to appear.
With a little experimentation, there are a lot of great results you can get by changing the prompt in Generative Fill.