Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

The Mysterious page has just published a list of the world's most beautiful little birds. Accordingly, bee hummingbirds, Smicrornis Brevirostris, Pardalotus, yellow brass, stripping yellow crests ... are beautiful birds topping this list.

The Mysterious page has just published a list of the world's most beautiful little birds. Accordingly, bees hummingbirds, Smicrornis Brevirostris, Pardalotus, yellow brass, stripping yellow crests . are "beautiful" birds topping this list.

Picture 1 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

1. Bee hummingbird is the smallest bird on Earth with a length of only about 5 cm and weighing about 1.8 grams.

Picture 2 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

2. Smicrornis Brevirostris bird has a length of about 8-9 cm.

Picture 3 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

3. Pardalotus birds are about 8.5-12 cm in size.

Picture 4 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

4. The golden brass bird is about 12 cm long.

Picture 5 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

5. The yellow crested bird is the smallest bird in Europe, 8.5-9.5 cm.

Picture 6 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

6. Gerygone Mouki bird has a length of about 10 cm.

Picture 7 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

7. The American golden pine is a small bird, 11–14 cm long, with wingspan of 19–22 cm, mass of 11–20 g.

Picture 8 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

8. Coereba Flaveola bird has a length of about 10.5-11.5 cm.

Picture 9 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

9. Setophaga Pitiayumi bird is about 11 cm long.

Picture 10 of Top 10 most beautiful small birds in the world

10. Birds Epthianura Tricolor has a length of about 10 - 13 cm.

Update 24 May 2019


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