Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

Here is a list of 10 geniuses possessing great brains with many important inventions that changed the history and life of humanity.

1. Leonardo Da Vinci

considered one of the greatest minds in human history. He has many future ideas, far beyond the technological ability and understanding of people at that time, such as helicopters, submarines, tanks, parachutes, computers .

Picture 1 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

Many of Da Vinci's ideas were limited to sketches and descriptions that were meticulously recorded on paper because the technology at the time did not allow him to do it.

Picture 2 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

2. Edwin Land

Edwin Land is the man who perfected every technique surrounding photography thanks to his genius inventions.

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He created a kind of polarizing filter used in photography, which helps to obtain a deeper blue color when photographing the sky, while also eliminating light reflected from the water or glass. He is the creator of the world-famous instant snap camera.

Picture 4 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

3. Benjamin Franklin

Benjamin Franklin is a multi-talented and excellent person in many different fields, he is the one who invented many famous items, such as lightning rods, catheters, imitation legs, bifocals, harmonica by glass .

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Franklin never patented his inventions, thinking that his inventions should be shared widely for all to use, just as he enjoyed so many benefits. from the inventions of the predecessors.

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4. Hero of Alexandria

Hero of Alexandria was the first to invent the vending machine, the wind-powered organ, the water pump, the medicine syringe, the fountain, and laid the foundation for the thermometer to be invented. after that.

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Hero hardly places a lot of importance on his inventions and refuses to refine them further, perhaps he did not expect them to play such an important role after many centuries.

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5. Jerome "Jerry" Hal Lemelson

Jerome "Jerry" Hal Lemelson owns 605 patents in his life, including many important items, can be briefly mentioned such as: automated warehouses, industrial robots, cordless phones, machines fax, video recorder, camcorder, video tape and cassette .

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Lemelson also has many notable inventions in the fields of medicine, cancer detection and treatment, diamond coating applications, electronics and television .

Picture 10 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

6. George Westinghouse

George Westinghouse was one of the leaders in the 19th century electrical industry.He also promoted the use of alternating current, so he became a competitor of Thomas Edison, advocate of use. DC electricity.

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Besides, Westinghouse also invented the air brake, one of the very important contributions in the transportation industry, especially in railway transport.

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7. Alexander Graham Bell

Alexander Graham Bell is the person who invented the world's first cell phone, although his phone was only born through an unexpected mistake.

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Bell also invented a metal detector, a tape locator, a boat lift device, a hearing-measuring device for the hearing impaired .

Picture 14 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

8. Thomas Edison

Although Thomas Edison was not the inventor of the electric light bulb, he completed ideas from previous inventors, put them into practice and commercialized.

Picture 15 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

In addition, he also had other well-known inventions such as the dual telegraph machine that subsequently evolved into triple, quadruple, and multipurpose loaders. In total, Edison holds 1,500 patents worldwide.

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9. Nikola Tesla

Nikola Tesla is a person with many revolutionary contributions in the fields of electricity and magnetic fields. His theoretical works and inventions on AC generation systems and AC motors are the foundation for the second industrial revolution.

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He has also contributed extensively in robotics, remote control, radar, computer science, nuclear physics, theoretical physics and ballistics.

Picture 18 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

10. Archimedes

 Archimedes was the one who correctly calculated the value of pi, proved a series of geometric theorems, integral and calculus, created a system using powers .

Picture 19 of Top 10 geniuses with the greatest scientific invention in history

Archimedes also invented a variety of machines and weapons to protect his homeland, the most famous of which is the use of solar capture lenses to burn enemy ships.

Update 15 November 2020


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