The US Navy officially posted 3 videos related to UFOs

The whole video was shot with an infrared camera, showing unidentified flying objects with the ability to move at incredible speed.

Recently, the US Navy has officially posted three videos related to unidentified flying objects (UFOs) with names GIMBAL, FLIR1 and GOFAST. In fact, these three videos were published in 2017 and 2018 by the research group To the Stars Academy of Art & Science by songwriter / singer Tom DeLonge, a former member of Blink-182. Two of them were even mentioned in an article in the New York Times magazine to analyze the  Pentagon's ' Advanced Aerospace Risk Detection Program' .

The first video is called GIMBAL. In it, soldiers observed that this is a type of drone, flying against the wind at high speed and can even rotate.

The second video, called FLIR1, shows an unidentified flying object with a long, dark oblong shape in the daytime. It flies at high speed, making the camera many times unable to capture focus. At the end of the video, it even suddenly changed direction very quickly and got out of view of the infrared camera

The final video, called GOFAST, shows a fast-moving object at an altitude of nearly 8000 meters, which makes it difficult for the infrared camera to focus and track.

All 3 videos above show moving objects at high speed and are accidentally captured by the infrared camera. This phenomenon even surprised the observers because of their monstrous movement. In the video, there are also the voices of these members, saying that it is a type of drone.

The U.S. Navy already knew the existence of the three videos in September 2019, and decided to publish them now. Pentagon spokesman Sue Gough said their goal was: ' Eliminate all misunderstandings and doubts about the authenticity of the three videos as well as doubts about whether they still exist. in many other similar videos '.

As mentioned above, these 3 videos were first published in December 2017 and March 2018 by To The Stars Academy of Art & Science - an organization specializing in research on unidentified phenomena and objects. specified. In 2017, former U.S. Navy officer David Fravor told CNN about this issue: ' When I approached it (UFO), it suddenly accelerated, flew straight south and disappeared within 2 seconds. . It happened so suddenly, like when we threw a ping pong ball against a wall. It will turn this back on at high speed '.

Picture 1 of The US Navy officially posted 3 videos related to UFOs

The common feature of the 3 videos above is that the UFO moves at a very high speed.

For those who often learn about UFOs as well as unexplained phenomena, perhaps the three videos above are not too strange. However, this US Navy's confirmation has somewhat made the controversy surrounding unidentified flying objects hotter than ever. 

The Pentagon has previously studied audio recordings of unidentified flying objects in the 'Advanced Aerospace Risk Detection Program', which lasted from 2007 to 2012. The reason they decided to stop this research is because they think there are more important issues that need to be prioritized for funding. However, in an interview with CNN, Luis Elizondo, the head of the program, said: ' There is a lot of evidence that we may not be alone in this universe. I would like to call them (UFOs) planes, but they do not own the characteristics of the aircraft that the US military or any country currently owns . '

Shortly after the US Navy posted the three videos, former Senator Harry Reid, the sponsor of the Pentagon's research program, said he was 'glad' because the videos were finally released. Father. However, he also stressed that the United States needs to take serious, scientific moves on this issue, as well as pay special attention to any threats related to national security.

Update 28 April 2020


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