The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

It's almost Christmas, you know how to take photos to have the best photos to make memories?

Christmas is coming very close, this time where to go we also see the street decorated with pine trees, sparkling lights. In this poetic, beautiful space, why don't you take a picture with yourself for Christmas as a souvenir. To help you get the best photos and for the best, the tips below will help you a lot.

  1. Photograph fireworks with smartphone camera

Picture 1 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

It should be taken at sunset : When taking photos on Christmas night, you should shoot at sunset, because at that time the sky is not necessarily dark, natural light is still enough to clearly illuminate the surroundings and the lights of the page location has also been turned on. With this unique light combination will give you the best pictures.

Picture 2 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Reasonable brightness : When taking photos in low light conditions, many smartphones often change parameters automatically and select the brightest area. This makes the dimly lit areas dark and does not show well on images. So before taking a photo, you should touch any point on the screen so that the phone automatically focuses and refines the parameters, making the best shooting. In addition, you can also use some software to support night photography.

Picture 3 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Do not use the flash : A note to keep in mind when shooting at night is never use the flash when shooting. When taking a photo, there is a flash that lacks depth. So, when taking special photos of portraits in low light conditions, you should choose lights to replace flash, do not make people and the scene be dazzled. In the outdoors, use flash to illuminate the subject and adjust the shutter speed slowly enough to help keep the Christmas lights.

Picture 4 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Dark lighting : When taking photos of Christmas in the house, the light from the phone is not enough to make things clear and make the picture dark. To handle this situation, you should use a table lamp outside the frame to increase the brightness for the background. In addition, you can also hide the lights behind the pine tree to increase the depth of the image, making it look more outstanding.

Picture 5 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Tripod use : The tripod can be cumbersome and make it difficult to move. However, with Christmas lights in low light conditions will require a slow shutter speed of 1 to 1/60 seconds. Therefore, the tripod will be necessary to keep the camera still and achieve the best picture as well as the clearest.

Picture 6 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Low IOS correction: In case you do not carry a tripod and have to hold the camera manually, you should tweak the IOS low, because if the higher you adjust, the more susceptible the picture is, the more grain will break. For the best image quality, you should adjust IOS below 400 when taking Christmas lights.

Picture 7 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Choose the appropriate shutter speed: The shutter speed is what determines the success or failure of the photo you take. If the shutter speed is too fast, the dark parts will disappear. Conversely, with poor shutter speeds, it will not keep up with the true colors, making it look like a daytime shot.

Picture 8 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Choose a reasonable light balance: Bright balance is also important to note when taking photos. Before going to take a photo, you should take some time to test the different white balance indicators at different times to find the most suitable mode. If shooting at sunset and wanting the sky to be clear, you can choose tungsten mode (or light bulb) at the camera settings. If shooting with a smartphone, take the initiative to lighten it if you feel that some of the details are light on the tire due to complex lighting conditions.

Picture 9 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Using a timer or assistive device : Even if you use a tripod, pressing the shutter button still causes the camera to vibrate and make the image blurry. To improve this situation, you can use the support cable, remote control or set the shooting time on the device.

Picture 10 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Blurring the lights : To refresh the Christmas photo, as well as making it look different, you can blur the lights behind. Focus on the main character or subject in the front and blur the rear lights to make the photo more vivid.

Picture 11 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

RAW image capture : RAW photography not only helps to create high-quality pictures but also allows users to easily edit later. RAW images will allow users to edit images to increase the detail by software such as Adobe Camera Raw. This is important because Christmas photos often have deep dark areas beside bright lights.

Picture 12 of The photography tips you can apply during the Christmas season

Adding light lines: Drawing light (Light Painting) in photography is a very interesting and easy to implement technique. The photographer only needs to use a flashlight to illuminate the subject and then draw letters or curves with hand-held flares. Remember to keep moving and not let the flashlight hit the person with the shutter speed adjusted slowly.

Maybe you are interested:

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Update 26 May 2019


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