The best search engine 2018
Most users do not want to use many search engines, especially those who do not have much Internet skills. Most people just want a unique search engine that has three main features:
- Provide relevant search results
- Easy to understand and read interface
- There are options to expand or narrow the search results
With these criteria, the list of search engines below meets 99% of the search needs of ordinary users everyday.
1. Google search engine (G
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Google is the "dominant king" in search engines, it is most used in the world. Google's search engine delivers fast results, offers relevant items, and has support tools such as search by time, language, etc. This huge search engine also tracks an amount of traffic. incredible news that many people don't even know. In addition, it provides search by image, news, video and map, which are outstanding services for searching photos, directions and reading news.
- The hidden search engines of Google you don't know
2. Search engine Duck Duck Go (
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At first, was like Google, however, there were many other things that made this search engine different. DuckDuckGo has a number of features such as displaying all the information users need to find on the first results page, providing a prompt (to help clarify search questions). In addition, this search engine has very little advertising spam, less than Google.
3. Bing search engine (
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Bing is Microsoft's attempt to replace Google, which is the second most popular search engine today. Previously Bing was the MSN search engine until it was updated in the summer of 2009. Bing supports search by providing suggestions in the left column, and providing users with search options. different swords at the top of the screen like wikis, image search and related searches.
4. Search engine Dogpile (
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Years ago, Dogpile was a fast and effective web search option for many people, even surpassing Google. Things changed in the late 1990s, Dogpile faded away and Google became 'king' in search engines. ' However, today, Dogpile is back with increasing index and a clean, fast interface. If you want to try a search engine with an interesting interface and useful crosslink (crosslink) results, try Dogpile.
5. Yippy search engine (Y
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Yippy is a Deep Web tool that searches for other search engines. Unlike regular Web, indexed by spider robot programs, search engines are difficult to find Deep Web sites. That's why Yippy became so useful. If you're looking for Deep Web pages, use Yippy.
6. Google Scholar search engine (S
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Google Scholar is a special version of Google, this search engine will help you win the debate. Google Scholar focuses on scientific and academic research materials that have been thoroughly examined by scientists and scholars. The content includes graduation thesis, legal opinions, academic publications, medical research reports, world physics, economic and political research papers.
If you are looking for information for an academic discussion or debate, forget about the Google search engine that often goes, instead use Google Scholar.
7. Webopedia search engine (W
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Webopedia is one of the most useful websites on the Internet. Webopedia is an encyclopedic resource dedicated to finding technology terms and computer definitions. Webopedia is a place for non-specialized people to understand computers.
8. Yahoo! (Y )
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Yahoo! is a search engine, a news aggregator site, a shopping center, an email box, a travel directory, a game center and horoscope, etc. Yahoo! This is very useful for new Internet users.
9. Search engine The Internet Archive (
The best search engine 2018 Picture 9
Internet Archive is the favorite destination for Web lovers. The Archive has given a picture of the entire "World Wide Web" over the years. When you want to know what the 90s website looks like or learn about 2005 hurricane Katrina, use this search engine.
See more:
- 3 extremely attractive search and face recognition tools
- Typical video search tools
- Private search engines replace Google
You should read it
- Search for what when Google 'sudden death'?
- The hidden search engines of Google you don't know
- Search engines may not know you yet
- Interesting search engines on Google that you may not know yet
- Learn about the Dogpile search engine
- Private search engines replace Google
- Bing updates the search suggestion feature similar to Google
- 5 best search tools for academic research
- Why is social engagement important for SEO?
- Three new search engines you should try
- Google pays Apple billions of dollars to be the default search engine on iDevice
- Google - When the Giants become too big