Strangely the road disappears twice a day on the Atlantic coast

Connecting the two archipelagos of the Atlantic coast of France, this bizarre path disappears twice a day, leaving many people curious and interested. Perhaps there is some mysterious supernatural force that has caused this strange phenomenon.

Connecting the two archipelagos of the Atlantic coast of France, this bizarre path disappears twice a day, leaving many people curious and interested. Perhaps there is some mysterious supernatural force that caused this strange phenomenon?

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Picture 1 of Strangely the road disappears twice a day on the Atlantic coast

There are no mysteries here, the tide itself is the "culprit" that makes a long, wide road built by humans disappear and appear regularly 2 times a day.

That strange road is called Passage du Gois , in France. It was built in 1701, is 4.5 km long connecting Noirmoutier Island with Beauvoir sur Mer in the northwestern province of Vendee.

Picture 2 of Strangely the road disappears twice a day on the Atlantic coast
When the water receded, the traffic was busy on the road.

Every 2 times a day, when tidal water recedes, the road will appear within 1-2 hours for traffic to pass by. Then it completely disappeared due to submerged 1.3 to 4 m below the surface of the water, and then, only boats could move.

The strange feature of the road attracted many tourists here. Everyone is curious and wants to experience the feeling of walking on this strange path.

Picture 3 of Strangely the road disappears twice a day on the Atlantic coast
Many cars have been submerged in the sea.

Passage du Gois is the most interesting and special road in the world but also full of dangers. Regularly deep in the sea makes the road extremely slippery.

Picture 4 of Strangely the road disappears twice a day on the Atlantic coast

Warning signs are placed at both ends and along the road.

In order to warn pedestrians about flooding, many warning signs are placed along the road, the sea accurately indicates the time of the tide rising at the ends of the road. But there are still many tourists stuck in the middle of the road when the tide rises. The tides here rise at a very fast speed so if you walk, you can climb up the rescue towers that are placed along the sides of the road, and if traveling by car, it will surely be submerged.

Picture 5 of Strangely the road disappears twice a day on the Atlantic coast

Visitors climb the rescue towers to avoid the tide.

In the spring, when the tide is low, the sandy beaches around both sides of the road are also exposed, many tourists come here to walk, bike, sightseeing.

Update 24 May 2019


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