Shortcuts when using a web browser

Just like in Word, Excel and Powerpoint, when you use web browsers, there are extremely useful shortcuts that help you manipulate a few times faster without using a mouse, all of which are used. completely on the keyboard.

Which are the shortcuts? Let's find out through the following article

1. Working tabs

- Ctrl + 1 - 8: Quickly switch tabs in order of 1 to 8 (from left to right)

- Ctrl + 9: Quickly switch to the last tab.

- Ctrl + Tab: Quickly move to the next tab (the tab to the right of the current tab).

- Ctrl + Shift + Tab: Quickly switch to the previous tab (the tab to the left of the current tab).

- Ctrl + W, Ctrl + F4: Close the current tab.

- Ctrl + Shift + T: Open the recently closed tab.

- Ctrl + T: Open a new tab.

- Ctrl + N: Open a new browser window.

- Alt + F4: Close the current browser window.

Middle mouse button when clicking on a tab: Close tab.

- Ctrl + Left mouse button, middle mouse button: Open the link in a new tab.

- Shift + Left mouse button: Open the link in a new browser window.

2. Control function

Shortcuts when using a web browser Picture 1Shortcuts when using a web browser Picture 1

Alt + Left arrow, Backspace: Return to the previous web

- Alt + Left arrow.Backspace: Return to the previous web.

- Alt + Right arrow.Shift + Backspace: go to the previous website.

- F5: Reload the page.

- Ctrl + F5: Reload the entire page, bypassing the cache.

- Escape (ESC): Stop loading the current web page.

- Alt + Home: Open the homepage.

3. Zoom function

- Ctrl and +, Ctrl + scroll bar middle mouse button up: Zoom in.

- Ctrl and -, Ctrl + scroll bar middle mouse button down: Zoom out.

- Ctrl + 0: Return to the original default zoom mode.

- F11: Full screen mode.

4. Drag the web page

- Space, Page Down: Drag down a screen frame.

- Shift + Space, Page Up: Drag up a screen frame.

Shortcuts when using a web browser Picture 2Shortcuts when using a web browser Picture 2

Home: Back to top.– End: Go to the bottom of the page

- Home: Back to the top.

- End: Go to the bottom of the page.

- Click the middle mouse and move the mouse: Drag the website up and down, left and right depending on the mouse movement direction.

4. The address bar

- Ctrl + L, Alt + D, F6: Return the cursor to the address bar, you can start typing the new address.

- Ctrl + Enter: Automatically prefix www. and .com suffix to the address entered.

For example, you can just type Google and press Ctrl + Enter, without typing

- Alt + Enter: Open the website address you just entered in a new tab.

5. Search function

Ctrl + K, Ctrl + E: Move the cursor to the browser search box (can be Google, Yahoo, Bing or other applications), if the browser does not have a search box, the cursor will be returned to the bar. address.

- Alt + Enter: Display search results in the browser search box in a new tab.

- Ctrl + F, F3: Open the search box in the current web page (text search).

- Ctrl + G, F3: Go to the next search result from the search step above.

- Ctrl + Shift + G, Shift + F3: Return to the previous search result from the above search step.

6. Display Bookmarks history and bookmarks

Shortcuts when using a web browser Picture 3Shortcuts when using a web browser Picture 3

Ctrl + H: Open browsing history

- Ctrl + H: Open browsing history

- Ctrl + J: Open the download history.

- Ctrl + D: Quickly bookmark the current web page.

- Ctrl + Shift + Del: Open the Clear Browsing History window.

7. Some other functions

- Ctrl + P: Print the current page.

- Ctrl + S: Save the current page to your computer.

- Ctrl + O: Open a file from your computer.

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