Scientifically proven: Bathe for as long and as much as you are feeling lonely

The feeling of loneliness in a person is expressed in many different ways. And sometimes, it is also expressed by the time you bathe every day.

The feeling of loneliness in a person is expressed in many different ways.And sometimes, it is also expressed by the time you bathe every day.

Is there anyone who doesn't like to take a long shower, in a luxurious bath soaked in roses or filled with soap bubbles for hours!

If you were asked that question and asked immediately to answer: you like to bathe in the bath and spend hours continuously immersed in a tranquil rose water bath, you may have a hidden problem. deeper inside than just wanting to shower clean.

Can you feel lonely?

Picture 1 of Scientifically proven: Bathe for as long and as much as you are feeling lonely

And where does that loneliness come from?

According to a recent study by the Department of Psychology at the University of Chicago : " Sadness stems from differences in ideal social relations and the actual relationship a person has ."

In other words, it is frustration , you don't feel like being integrated, deeply connected with people or your presence doesn't make others happy like you think. Those things make you feel frustrated and lonely.

Picture 2 of Scientifically proven: Bathe for as long and as much as you are feeling lonely

So what is the relationship between loneliness and bathing?

On Psychology Today points out that there are many factors that affect the way people choose to experience loneliness, from the way we adjust emotions in isolation to the level of connectivity we feel. necessary.

And people often have different expressions. Sometimes, it is not as obvious as: sighing, staring into space and listening to sad music.

Surprisingly, one of the important signs of loneliness is not the same feeling as when you don't have friends. Some people feel lonely, even if they integrate well with people. However, there are also people who feel isolated, unable to connect with others.

Picture 3 of Scientifically proven: Bathe for as long and as much as you are feeling lonely

Frequent "long bathing" is a sign of loneliness.

According to researchers at Yale University, people who take long baths or showers that are too hot do so subconsciously to avoid feelings of loneliness or social isolation.

" The more lonely people will be, the more and longer they will bathe, the more hot showers and the longer the time to soak in water, " said John Bargh, MD, a researcher at Yale University.

Research shows that taking a hot bath in a bath or shower can replace a companion, actually dispelling the feeling of being isolated and driven away.

This study also found an interesting fact: physical or cold sensation can cause warm or cold emotions and vice versa. In a simpler way, if you want to make dinner with a newcomer become more cozy and embarrassed, be sure to wear a warm sweater!

Besides, the simple thing of holding a glass of warm water can make you more tolerant and kind to the people around you, thanks to the comfortable feeling of warm water.

Update 24 May 2019


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