Review Sky: Children of the Light - Light guides the heart

Sky: Children of the Light is a deeply immersive experience that literally and figuratively goes beyond first impressions.

Publisher: thatgamecompany

Developer: thatgamecompany

Release date: July 18 , 2019

Mobile, Switch

Sky deliberately repeated the rhythmic and gameplay moments that define Journey, thatgamecompany's most recent hit. But while Journey somewhat reflects on the social elements, Sky is a sweet love affair with multiplayer mode. 

During the first hours of experience, the game will be a contemplative and accessible journey through an ethereal land of swirling clouds and distant horizons. While Sky can certainly offer the same thought-provoking solo adventure as the studio's previous works, it's the multiplayer feature that allows you to interact with friends and strangers alike. experience much more engagement. Shaped by both gameplay mechanics and storytelling, Sky: Children Of The Light becomes a game about sacrifice, sharing, and the nature of altruism.

Picture 1 of Review Sky: Children of the Light - Light guides the heart

As one of the full-fledged children of light, you are born into a world of linked realms linked below with a starry sky, and you must find the spirits of your ancestors to bring them back to their rightful place in the constellations. By crossing grasslands, sliding down dunes and soaring through the open sky, you fulfill your mission by bringing light to dark places, volcanoes and ancient bell towers with candles. your. 

Gameplay is free-form and not overly complicated, and the puzzles are often as simple as connecting the dots from one point to another. Lost star spirits are often obscured, so you need to be very observant. 

Picture 2 of Review Sky: Children of the Light - Light guides the heart

Your life, light and flight power are all contained in a shared unity known as 'winged light' and it grows stronger as you find the many lost things. than. Of course the feeling of progress in the game is always satisfying, but also because you have to redirect your aim and collect the 'winged lights' that sometimes distract from the natural flow of the game. the story the game wants to convey.

Each of the seven different realms offers a distinct visual and gameplay experience. The pastoral Daylight Prairie, with its inviting green fields and cumulus clouds, gives way to the Rainy Hidden Forest, which will steal your light if you find no shelter. 

Moving between changing landscapes gives a certain sense of satisfaction and gives a good pacing to the gameplay; Music and environment together paint a strong mental and emotional scene. The most impressive magic in each level is that there are many things that are still hidden and waiting for us to discover in the next levels. With the flying power growing stronger and the presence of friends opens up entirely new areas to traverse and explore, giving you a sense of satisfaction when mastering the game.

Picture 3 of Review Sky: Children of the Light - Light guides the heart

Whether you invite friends or meet strangers, Sky is a social game fueled by positive interactions. Dozens of emojis unlock when you meet new NPC souls, but the most common in the growing community are expressions like 'hug' or 'high-five'. 

Players are encouraged to share the light and heart with new friends, driving their progress to new horizons. People can buy musical instruments and music to put off their adventures and enjoy music together. Up to eight players can hold hands and jump into the sky together, guided by a single leader to discover new destinations - an ideal way to share a game with kids or adults play less experienced. Some doors and quests that are not so important in the game world require multiple players to unlock them, encouraging shared discovery. 

Picture 4 of Review Sky: Children of the Light - Light guides the heart

As free-to-play games have grown, Sky has been somewhat less sought after and has lost some competitive advantage over many other competitors on the iOS platform, but it still has an in-game store that can speed up your purchase of new items. Accumulating the same in-game currency can be slow, but faster if you choose to share the light with friends and vice versa. 

Sky expands on the ideas that have made the developer's games so successful, but has been enhanced to deliver an experience that's deeper, contains more messages, and has more replay value. . This new project is a profound reflection on empathy and connection between people, housed in the same humble and thoughtful presentation as expected from players. Sky is a game that is bringing a new and powerful breeze on the iOS platform and is a great game to play with friends and family.

Update 05 January 2022


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