Porn contributes to changing the Internet

The porn industry - which many surfers know with the word 'porn' - used to be ... the leader of online commerce.

The porn industry - which many surfers know with the word 'porn' - used to be . the leader of online commerce.

Online payment

Even in Vietnam, the concept of online payment from bank accounts, credit cards, SMS sending is no stranger. But perhaps few people know the first transactions of this type on the Internet to serve a series of "problematic" websites of the porn industry in the US - the cradle of Internt.

According to Forrester Research, the gentlemen of strangers "spent $ 1.3 billion on sex services in 1999, equivalent to 8% of the Internet's commercial value at the time. In other words, the porn industry used to be . a leader of online commerce. But in 2006, the sex business was only about $ 2.8 billion in profit - a tiny piece of the cake has now reached $ 150-200 billion.

Spam - spam

Picture 1 of Porn contributes to changing the Internet
The porn industry does not 'invent' spam, but positively contributes to show how much of a pile of spam is dumped into the victims' box of profit. In the late 1990s, 'living with spam' was the suffering that most Net users suffered everyday. The amount of porn spam increased by four times between 2001 and 2002, reaching a rate of 1/5 of Internet spam as invitations to visit sex-related websites. Thankfully, according to security firm Symantec, spam ads are only 2% in October 2008, giving way to letters of debt, pharmaceuticals, and dozens of other miscellaneous things.

Watch movies / music online

Before YouTube came to the throne, the XXX website was the most powerful online TV technology application. In an interview with NPR news agency, Danni Ashe (pictured right), founder of the 'light' website 'Danni's Hard Drive' said 'The porn industry is the first place on the Net' push video 'application, using JPEG images simulate videos displayed via web browsers without plugins'.

Business in this area has reached such a level that a multimedia agency called Acacia Research filed a lawsuit against about a dozen XXX sites in 2003, not only because they easily point to names but also places . The most popular movie format on the Internet! As a proud pornographic website owner ' if there are no pioneers of TV technology over the Internet, users probably still have to live with 28.8kbps transmission to this day! .

Malware, unwanted pop up ads, and browser hijacking

In the past, pornographic websites were the true 'spider' drive, which spreads all kinds of pathogens. Strange visitors can 'get involved' just by clicking on the 'attractive' image links, or by downloading 'new' video decoding software. Not only that, pornography is also the first place to apply extremely annoying pop up ads: users have to "endure" one after another when they try to close the old one. The last "finger" is to replace the user's home page and web search page with an unwanted pornographic website.

These malicious software can have terrible consequences, as a high school teacher who teaches in the US has experienced when missed out for students to 'entertain' with a 'fresh' picture in class. Thankfully, the lawyers convinced him that she was just a victim of malware while surfing the web, making attractive photos "jump" on unwanted screens. If convicted, this teacher can receive up to 40 years in prison.

Chat via webcam

Another great technology was discovered thanks to "fresh industry". Mark Friester, founder of MyVIProom website affirmed that 'Chat has images that increase the interaction with customers many times, synonymous with earning more profits.'. Further, these websites also pave the way for the concept of 'virtual reality': customers pay to chat with webcams and . remotely control the sex toys of 'hot' girls on the screen.


In 1990, the penthouse porn magazine offered free 2400 modems (the fastest category of the time) to its customers to help them access the online forum of the newspaper. Obviously, on that day only pornographic websites and customers need high speed access, to see more pictures.

Despite much controversy, a history professor at the University of Texas, USA, said that 'the need for clearer, higher resolution images promotes broadband networks'. New York Time magazine published data showing that 20% of AT&T users in 2000 only watched online porn movies. The 2003 study by Nielsen / NetRatings confirms that sharing music and pornography are the two main factors that promote universal broadband coverage across Europe!

Regulate bandwidth

Before networks share peer to peer, social networking sites. blog etc. On the throne, the XXX website is home to the most bandwidth on the Internet. Understand why this smokeless industry is also the first place to develop popular tactics today: many websites put a link to a popular site, sharing profits by advertising 'sub sites' on the site. Big site etc . Pornographic sites are the first place to apply the form of profit sharing on the number of visitors.

Thus, the porn industry has a 'big' impact on the development of the Internet. We . thank pornographic websites for paving the way for online seminars, broadband technology, next to the 'point of hand' of culprits that give birth to spam and destructive "technologies."

Update 25 May 2019


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