Netflix will cancel your account if you do not use it

If you pay for Netflix but really don't use this streaming service, you should probably cancel your subscription. Even if you do not cancel your account yourself, Netflix can still cancel it if you do not use it

If you pay for Netflix but really don't use this streaming service, you should probably cancel your subscription. But it doesn't seem worth giving up the account just to save a few dollars per month.

However, even if you do not delete your Netflix account yourself, the service can still automatically cancel it if you do not use it. Netflix has announced that it will begin automatically canceling inactive accounts to prevent people from spending money on something they don't use.

Netflix canceled the inactive account

In a post on the Netflix Media Center, Netflix announced that it would automatically unsubscribe from non-account users. Inactive accounts account for about 0.5% of users, or several hundred thousand.

Netflix will cancel your account if you do not use it Picture 1Netflix will cancel your account if you do not use it Picture 1 Netflix automatically cancel the inactive account

Netflix rates an account as inactive, if it has not been used for 2 years or if you are a new and unused subscriber within 1 year of registration. And anyone with an inactive account will be asked to confirm that they want to remain a member.

This will be done via email, as well as in-app notifications and will begin appearing this week. If you see the message, you will need to confirm that you want to keep a Netflix subscription or that Netflix will automatically cancel it. This saves you a few dollars each month.

Is it possible to return to Netflix after the account is automatically canceled?

Netflix claims that users who have canceled membership can easily start over when they want. The company will be happy if you decide to use the service again. If you rejoin within 10 months after canceling your account, your profile and watchlist will remain the same as when you left.

If you're into movies, you're probably happy to know that Netflix is ​​testing a mobile-only movie bundle for just $ 3 per month.

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