Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

In movies, we often see a person stepping on landmines just need to find a heavy object to press on and quickly pull out his foot to escape. If we believe that, we are too underestimated.

In movies, we often see a person stepping on landmines just need to find a heavy object to press on and quickly pull out his foot to escape. If we believe that, we are too underestimated. In fact, stepping on landmines is definitely 90% fatal, no matter how fast you run, you cannot escape the explosion radius or faster than the detonator trigger speed.

  1. What is left of the Earth after 100 nuclear warheads are detonated at the same time?
  2. Close up of gunfire, bombs of fighters from the cockpit
  3. The width and path of radioactive clouds if North Korea tests the Pacific thermonuclear bomb

Let's review the misconceptions about bombs and mines so that the United Nations will combine them in the Landmines, explosive remnants of war and homemade bombs - Safety Manual.

Picture 1 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

1. Go into an area with mines, you just need to follow the footprints of others who have traveled on it and it is safe.

Fact : Bombs, mines lay on the ground for a long time, due to weather factors, their sensitivity may be affected. Therefore, for a bomb to be activated and detonated, it would take more than once to step on it.

Picture 2 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

2. If you run at a very fast speed, you can avoid injury when the mine explodes.

Fact : No one can escape the mine trigger speed as well as the shockwave that the mine created. Therefore, serious injury, even loss of life is inevitable.

Picture 3 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

3. After a long time in land mines, bombs will "expire".

Facts : Most of the bombs and mines left after the war still operate after several decades. There are many types of mines with plastic casing and are completely waterproof, so they exist for a long time.

Picture 4 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

4. Cutting the mine trigger wire is no need to worry anymore.

Fact : The wires activate bombs, mines are extremely sensitive. They can activate an explosive device when lightly touched or lose tension.

Picture 5 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

5. If you wear an explosive device to another area, you and others will be safe.

Fact : The smallest vibrations can also trigger explosive devices, even those that just touch lightly have activated them. Therefore, never "foolish" to touch bombs, mines or any explosive device.

Picture 6 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

6. Can remove all remaining bombs, mines or explosives in an area if using fire.

Fact : This is not an effective measure, it even makes those explosive devices more sensitive.

Picture 7 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

7. If not used for a long time, weapons and ammunition will not be dangerous.

Fact : If weapons or ammunition are left in the environment, they will become extremely unstable. If they get heat, they will become extremely sensitive and will likely explode. Bullets for a long time can completely explode in the process of careless transportation.

Picture 8 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

8. Can I check if the field is safe by releasing the pet. That field is safe if poultry and livestock live well.

Fact : This is not safe because cattle and poultry cannot fully activate bombs and mines in that area.

Picture 9 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

9. If a road is safe if used in the last 6 months.

Fact : Landmines buried deep below will emerge due to the continuous movement of vehicles on the road.

Picture 10 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

10. People often spread mines on certain roads to form a defensive barrier.

Fact: Not all military units carry out mines in a certain way. Even so, it cannot be sure what is the first point, the end point of a minefield.

Picture 11 of Movies have made us look down on bombs and mines like this

See also: Explosive grenades on land and underwater, where is more dangerous to humans?

Update 24 May 2019


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