We can log in to OWA to check if the message is received. The whole process can be observed in Figure 1.
Figure 1
This process is very important in troubleshooting mail flow as well as validating Receive Connector.
Exploiting some security of Receive Connector
We have configured Receive Connector with both Exchange Management Console and Exchange Management Shell, now let's exploit some security configurations for Receive Connector. All of the security issues we will look at here are governed by the Receive Connector and they must be configured with the Exchange Management Shell. Please configure some features in the Internet Receive Connector as follows:
Change the Banner information
Some companies don't like the idea of displaying the server name in SMTP connections. We will change the banner information used for the Receive Connector with the command below and the results are shown in Figure 2.
Set-ReceiveConnector -Banner '220 Mail Server'
Figure 2
Specify the number of errors during a session .
We can control the number of protocol errors in a session. The initial default value is set to 5, to configure it to 2, we use the following command:
Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxProtocolErrors 2
At this point, if an SMTP Server / user is connected and reaches the maximum number of errors defined in the receive connector, the following message will be displayed (Figure 03):
Figure 3
Adjust the save for Receive Connector .
Receive connectors allow us to limit inbound traffic and limit usage from a certain source, preventing overloading of the system. Here are three options we can use:
MaxInboundConnectionsperSource : Defines the maximum number of connections made in a receive connector at the same time by the same source. The default value of this setting is 100.
MaxInboundConnection : Defines how many connections the receive connector will accept at the same time. The default value of this setting is 5000.
To configure the Receive Connector with the new settings we have seen, we can run the following command:
Set-ReceiveConnector -MaxInboundConnection -MaxInboundConnectionsperSource -MaxInboundConnectionPercentagePerSource
We can also configure the time of the receive connector time-out according to certain aspects, such as: during SMTP communication as well as during an inactive connection (inactive). To configure ConnectionTimeout , we can run the following command:
Set-ReceiveConnector -ConnectionTimeout
To cancel the connection due to Inactive time, we can use the following command:
Set-ReceiveConnector -ConnectionInactiveTimeout
We can also restrict the number of recipients, limit the maximum speed and size of the message at the connector level, to configure these settings, we can use the following parameters:
MaxRecipientsPerMessage: The maximum number of recipients in a notification, the default value is 200.
MaxMessageSize: The maximum size of the message; The default value is 100MB.
Let's change the Internet Receive connector to accept the 100 largest users, the notification size will be greater than 2MB and the limited speed is 200 as below:
Set-ReceiveConnector –MaxRecipientsPerMessage: 100 –MaxMessageSize: 5MB –MaxRateLimit: 200
The last feature we will introduce to you is TarpitIntervall. In Exchange Server 2003 we must configure it through the Registry Editor. In Exchange Server 2007 we can do this using the Exchange Management Shell. The tarpit feature will insert a pre-defined delay in each SMTP response, it contains a 5.xx error code during communication between two servers. This feature is only applied to anonymous connections and it should be used with the Recipient Filter Agent and Recipient Lookup features enabled.
In this article we are using Exchange Server 2007 with all three roles they have been installed (Mailbox, CAS and Hub Transport) and it will receive notifications from the Internet, we have also configured Anti-spam agent on the machine. this owner Now consider the Recipient Filtering agent and enable the Recipient Lookup feature:
Figure 4
From this point on, all messages that have an unknown address in the organization will be rejected by Exchange Server, as shown in the SMTP rcpt to action: in Figure 5. Even so, we may encounter problems. The problem here is that spammer can massively attack Exchange Server with dictionary attack to find out which emails are valid in your organization. So is there any way to counteract that phenomenon? There is no way to fix that problem, but with each wrong address tried in the SMTP communication, there will be a '5.1.1 User unknown' error and with each of those errors we have It is possible to configure tarpit to delay the server's response.
Figure 5
The default value is 5s, to change this configuration, we can run the following command:
Set-ReceiveConnector '' –TarPitInterval:
In this article, I have shown you how to configure security settings and some restrictions in Receive Connector. Introducing some configuration must be done with the Exchange Management Shell. In the next article in this series, I will show you how to write information, authentication methods and how to configure permissions using AdsiEdit.msc and Exchange Management Shell.