Learn from Bill Gates

June 27, 2008 was Bill Gates' last working day at Microsoft. Some people even breathe because they have temporarily removed a heavy competitor. But there are many things young people can learn from one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.

June 27, 2008 was Bill Gates' last working day at Microsoft. Some people even breathe because they have temporarily removed a heavy competitor. But there are many things young people can learn from one of the most successful entrepreneurs of our time.

Focus : Over the past 30 years, Bill Gates has demonstrated the importance of clarity, coherence in thought and action. Unlike his contemporaries, he never left what he understood better than anything else: software. He pursued the goal of dominating the software field. Investing in new areas can be timely and right in the movement, but the level of risk is also very high. If you need a good example of the so-called 'ability to focus on what you understand', then Bill Gates and Microsoft are what you're looking for. Concentration also means your ability to pursue your goals consistently regardless of any obstacle. This patience is not easy to obtain.

Picture 1 of Learn from Bill Gates

Over the past 30 years, Bill Gates has demonstrated the importance of clarity, coherence in thinking and action .

Dare to think : Along with the ability to concentrate, the ability to dream big and pursue those dreams with iron determination has formed a completely different Bill Gates compared to the same entrepreneurs. Entrepreneurs need to develop maximum confidence to be able to shoulder the world and become the winner.

Passion : Bill Gates simply thinks, if there is anything worth doing, it is worth doing well. From simple thanks to complex suggestions, ensuring success for anything you do is the key. The need for continuous improvement is relatively important. Change is the only constant and the more adaptable and agile we are to change, the more opportunities we have for success.

Learning non-stop : Although dropping out of school while attending college to fulfill the dream, Bill Gates probably read more than most of us have ever been and will read. In the process of learning, he showed the limitations of formal education. Formal education is very important, but perhaps it is even more important to realize that learning is a long process. Knowledge is infinite. Even when we study non-stop throughout our lives, sometimes we can only understand a small part of the vast sea of ​​knowledge. Knowledge needs to lead to humility and wisdom - not arrogance and gain, to take advantage of others.

Social repayments: The Bill & Malinda Gates Foundation offers a new aspect of benevolence by going straight to demand problems: malaria, cancer and AIDS. Feeling the serene soul when doing good works seems to have become obsolete but this may be the best way to promote the fight against the diseases that have claimed lives or hurt millions of people every year. . His friends and billionaire Warren Buffet also joined in, contributing to making the struggle stronger. Bill Gates has shown a respectable level of consistency both in business goals and charitable goals - he is truly a global citizen.

In fact, only 5% of the wealthy wealth of the 200 richest people can be used to eliminate some of the most pressing problems that humanity is facing. Wealth should not only be understood in terms of building the most brilliant houses but also the pursuit of a better, better purpose for oneself and for all mankind.

For any successful or outstanding individual, there are always a lot of problems around them that make journalists, mass media and paper-consuming time debate. In the modern era, the difference between how it is done and the purpose to be achieved is becoming more and more fuzzy. Some people may disagree with the way Bill uses to get what he already has, but it is hard to deny his contributions to the information technology industry.

However, history and posterity may remember what he decided to do - at a relatively young age - for the rest of his life. The fight against poverty, disease and education to the poor are truly lofty goals that should be promoted by anyone who cares about humanity and the quality of life on this planet. In this regard, there cannot be any more typical and worthy individuals than Bill Gates.

For the past 30 years, humanity has witnessed the rise of an extremely brilliant entrepreneur. In the next 3 years, it is possible that humanity will witness the emergence of the greatest philanthropist - not only in terms of money - but also on global issues with dedication. tired.

Update 23 May 2019


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