source ip address =
destination ip address =
In more complicated cases, the administrator must try to record as much information as possible, so that if you encounter similar problems in the future, we will easily identify the main cause. corpses as well as how to fix them most effectively.
Technically, we can completely set, specify which parts of data to keep during the whole process. In fact, the system has 5 analytical templates available for users to choose, but if you want, we can still create your own templates. 5 samples of analysis available include:
- Pure : almost no analysis of any data stream and very limited filters
- HPC (High Performance Capture) : provides optimized filters, mainly focusing on the operating speed of the system, but is restricted with TCP and UDP protocols
- Faster Pasing : support some other protocols like ARP, HTTP, DNS, and NBTNS but not including SMB and SMB2.
- Default : default mode, applicable to all common protocols, including SMB, SMB2, and RPC.
- Windows : analyze all Windows-based and SQL-based protocols
In simple words, the more data relevant to the information contained in the analysis samples, the longer the process will take, the longer the system will take to identify the cause and respond to the user. use. This information is usually set up, before the administrator starts the process, and to select or switch between these forms, click Parser Profiles> NetworkMonitor Parsers:
Learn about Microsoft Network Monitor tool - part 1 Picture 4
Depending on the requirements for each specific session, we can adjust, change Network Monitor 's main interface accordingly and achieve the highest efficiency. For example:
- Display or hide unnecessary windows
- Fixed the frequently used windows
- Change Simple external display interface, Diagnostic, Developer .
If you want to move a part of a window, just select and hold the Shift button, then drag and drop it from the previous position, and now you can move to any position that feels best:
Learn about Microsoft Network Monitor tool - part 1 Picture 5
If you want to close, just press the button with the X icon at the top right of that window:
Learn about Microsoft Network Monitor tool - part 1 Picture 6
To restore the default display mode, select View> Restore Default Layout:
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The default interface of Microsoft Network Monitor
And below are some of the layout templates available:
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And if you want to save these changes in the layout, just click the Save As button as shown below:
Learn about Microsoft Network Monitor tool - part 1 Picture 11
The Save As window is displayed, you want to name it with the extension * .cap ( Capture File ), then click the Save button:
Learn about Microsoft Network Monitor tool - part 1 Picture 12
During the next use of Network Monitor , we will see the file system paths available and usable at any time:
Learn about Microsoft Network Monitor tool - part 1 Picture 13
Good luck!