Just chat, watch video clips
The video clip display screen will appear immediately on the black background shortly thereafter. At this point, you press the play button to join other people to enjoy the video clip.
- If you download the YouTube video clip with no embed code for the chat room (on the right side of the Embed box with Embedding disabled by request ), an error message will appear when the play button is pressed and ask you to watch the video clip through the website. of YouTube.
Just chat, watch YouTube clips with friends Picture 2
Error message when playing a video clip YouTube does not provide an embed code
- Only people who enter the first chat room (identify based on the message named nick is the leader) can share video clips with others, so you and the rest can refresh (close) or close the page. The web contains a chat room and then re-enters, to alternate sharing video clips for each other. However, if you do so, the previous chat content will disappear.
When watching all the first video clips, you can then paste the addresses of other YouTube video clips into paste entire YouTube box here, click the Load Video button to download to the chat room and press the play button on the presentation screen to see more with others.