Instructions on how to break columns in Word simply and quickly

Presenting text in columns will help your document look like a newspaper or newsletter page, while increasing aesthetics, readability and faster reading speed. This article will guide you how to break columns in Word in the simplest and fastest way.

Create a text column

If your text page is blank, you can start creating columns right away. If your page has text on the page as shown below, press Enter to start a new line. This will be where the column creation begins.

Instructions on how to break columns in Word simply and quickly Picture 1Instructions on how to break columns in Word simply and quickly Picture 1

Readers follow the steps below:

Step 1 : On the toolbar, select the Layout tab and select Columns .

Now the drop-down list is a list of the number of columns you want to have. If more than 3 columns are needed, select More Columns . Microsoft Word 2016 allows creating up to 12 columns.

Step 2 : When selecting More Columns , the Columns window will appear. Here we select 2 columns. Then in Apply to select This point forward , then press OK . Select this item to have Word start creating the column at the cursor position. If you do not select This point forward , the text you have above will be included in the column.

Step 3 : Here, enter text for the first column.

Column break

If you want to write to the next column without breaking the column, you will have to press the Enter key until the mouse pointer moves to the next column. However, doing so makes the text page unattractive and wastes lines. Proper column breaks will help move the mouse cursor to the next column without having to press Enter. Readers follow these instructions:

Move the mouse cursor to a new line, closing bullets if you are using them. Next select the Layout tab on the toolbar and select Breaks , then select Columns. At this point the mouse pointer will jump to the next column.

Please continue entering text into that column.

Go back to a single column format

After you have finished entering text for the last column, if you want to return to the original single column format, do the following:

Move the mouse cursor to a new line, closing bullets if you are using them. On the toolbar, select the Layout tab and select Columns , then select More Columns .

In the Columns dialog box , select One and select This point forward . Then press OK .

You can then continue typing the rest of the document.

Above is how to create columns and break columns in Microsoft Word. We invite readers to refer to it and apply it in their work. Good luck.

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