Prepare 1 USB Flash drive (at least 2GB).
Note: When following this tutorial, you need a computer with a CD-ROM drive working properly.
Step 2:
Download the Komku-SP-usb.exe software package here.
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 2
Step 3:
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 3
Double click Komku-SP-usb.exe . A window appears, click Install .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 4
Step 4:
Plug the USB drive into the computer.
Find the directory C: KomkuPeToUSB . Double click PeToUSB.exe .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 5
A window will appear as follows .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 6
Destination Drive: select Removable USB
Check the box Enable Disk Format , Quick Format , Enable LBA (FAT 16x)
Drive Label: Set the USB drive label as you wish, in this case XP-KOMKU
Then click Start .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 7
Click Yes to continue .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 8
Click Yes
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 9
Wait a minute…
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 10
Click OK , then you can close the PeToUSB window
Step 5:
Open Command Prompt by going to Start > Run > type cmd > click OK
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 11
In the command window, go to folder C: Komkubootsect
Specifically: first, type cd and press Enter
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 12
Then type cd komkubootsect and press Enter
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 13
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 14
Do not close the Command Prompt window, continue to step 6.
Step 6:
In the Command Promt window, type bootsect / nt52 H:
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 15
Where H is the name of the USB drive on the machine.
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 16
Then press Enter. Result
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 17
Step 7:
Continue typing cd . and press Enter
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 18
Then type cd usb_prep8 and press Enter
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 19
Type usb_prep8 again, press Enter
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 20
Step 8:
You should see the Command Prompt window as follows:
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 21
Press any key to continue.
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 22
Now insert the Windows XP disc into the CD / DVD ROM drive and return to the Command Prompt window.
Type 1 press Enter Browse For Folder dialog box will appear. Select your CD / DVD drive, click OK .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 23
Result: 'XP Setup Source Path' will change to your CD / DVD drive name.
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 24
In section 2, if the letter T has been assigned to a drive on your computer, you need to change this entry. If not, leave it alone.
So how to change?
Type 2 then press Enter , then enter any letter that does not match the names of the drives on your computer. For example, you don't have S drive, enter S and press Enter .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 25
Return to the usb_prep8 window, type 3 and press Enter .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 26
Enter the name of your USB drive. In this case the USB drive is the H drive
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 27
so enter H and press Enter .
Next, enter 4 press Enter and wait a moment.
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 28
Type Y press Enter and continue waiting.
After the virtual drive format process completes, press any key to continue.
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 29
Continue waiting .
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 30
Press any key to continue
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 31
Select Yes
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 32
Continue Yes
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 33
Select Yes , wait a moment and press any key 2 times to close the usb_prep8 window
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 34
Congratulations, finally your USB drive is ready.
Step 9:
Plug the USB drive into the computer that does not have the CD-ROM drive you want to install Windows XP. Enter BIOS, choose to boot from USB HDD (or USB ZIP depending on each device). Then restart the computer from the USB drive.
Select 'TXT Mode Setup .'
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 35
Continue installing Windows XP as usual.
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 36
When the text mode setting is finished, the computer will restart automatically. This time select 'GUI Mode Setup .'
Install Windows XP from a USB Flash drive Picture 37
Continue installing the steps to install Windows XP until it is completed!
See more:
Good luck!