Implement these tasks first when transferring data to Windows Server 2019
To smoothly transfer data to Windows Server 2019, start with native components, then the data center features and finally the Windows Admin Center management tools.
Preparing Windows Server 2019 is also the time for businesses to start planning to transfer data to Microsoft's new server OS.As with many other releases, it will take time to get used to the new features, particularly in this Server 2019 version that is enhanced by security and data centers.
For those who have tried the Insider Preview of Windows Server 2019, the most expanded fields are:
- Native Windows Server features
- components related to the data center
- New management tools on Windows Admin Center
Original features on Windows Server 2019
When transferring data, the most common way is to focus on original features such as IIS web server, HyperV virtual server and file server (fileserver).Features are forced to rely on Windows Server, unlike other 3rd party applications that may take several months to support Windows Server 2019.
Web applications running on IIS are easy to check because most of the code is only HTML, .Net or other web applications running on the IIS / Web platform.An easy and quick way to check if a web application can run normally and put it into this new environment is to set up a Windows Server 2019 server with IIS, then upload the web code to the server.
File server is also a good choice to transfer data to a new server.Sometimes the file server has gigabytes or terabytes to copy and these servers are not upgraded regularly.
On adaptable environments, many old file servers still run Windows Server 2008 (will stop support in mid-2019) and upgrade.Data transfer tools such as Robocopy or drag and drop between Windows Explorer windows can retain the tree structure of the file and access between servers.
Components related to data centers
Another set of applications that is often developed early is data center components such as HyperV, including multiple converged target infrastructure configurations (HCI).
HyperV can be added to existing HyperV 2012R2 or 2016, virtual machines (VMs) can be transferred directly (Live Migrated) or copied from the old OS to the new OS.Many businesses can upgrade their data center infrastructure by replacing basic HyperV clusters, deploying HCI environments.
HCI is a new infrastructure that converts from the concept of virtual machines running on each server to a platform where all virtual machines share drives, connections, processing power of all servers with the same HCI configuration.This helps increase performance, reliability, scale, and super-static.
After trying to use HCI on the Insider Preview test, transfer the data to the new infrastructure.If you have problems running a virtual machine on a new environment, the old virtual machine is still on the old HyperV environment because this is just a copy.
Implement these tasks first when transferring data to Windows Server 2019 Picture 1
Transferring data to Windows Server 2019 is not as scary as you think
Try using Windows Admin Center
Windows Admin Center was previously known as Project Honolulu, loaded on Windows Server 2019 but the target system could be Windows Server 2012R2 and Windows Server 2016, no special software, addon or other upgrades needed.
Windows Admin Center points to the old server, the administration interface opens both old and new servers in a centralized window.
Transferring data to Windows Server 2019 does not take months to plan, test, wait for service packs . Deploying certain independent components on the OS can help you bring Windows Server 2019 soon Use in real environment with not much risk.
After developing simple features, try more complex things like advanced security features, integrate with Microsoft Azure, deploy Shielded VM virtual machines for critical data, and upgrade Active Directory. .
See more:
- Microsoft added recovery, backup, security for Windows Server 2019
- Discover new features in Windows Server 2019
- Microsoft stopped supporting SQL Server 2008 and Windows Server 2008
You should read it
- Download Windows Server 2019 and discover new features
- SQL Server 2019 - Microsoft Relational Database Management System
- How to install DNS Server on Windows Server 2019
- Microsoft added recovery, backup, security for Windows Server 2019
- Instructions for installing SQL Server 2019
- How to install and use IIS on Windows Server 2019
- Introducing Exchange Server 2019, how to install Exchange Server 2019
- How to initial setup Windows Server 2019
- Top 10 security improvements in Windows Server 2019
- How to install a VPN on Windows Server 2019
- Recent Windows Server Updates Cause DNS Errors
- How to configure NTP Server and NTP Client in Windows Server 2019