IE 10 Metro supports Flash in style ... 'selective'

The news has just revealed that Internet Explorer 10 (IE 10) will continue to support the Flash interface of Windows 8's Metro interface, but this support is only ... 'selective.'

The news has just revealed that Internet Explorer 10 (IE 10) will continue to support the Flash interface of Windows 8's Metro interface, but this support is only . 'selective.'

IE 10 Metro supports Flash in style ... 'selective' Picture 1IE 10 Metro supports Flash in style ... 'selective' Picture 1

Previously, last year, Microsoft said that Metro UI of Windows 8 will not support third-party plugin plugins like Adobe Flash, but instead support HTML 5 technology.

According to experts, the ' software giant' will not implement the aforementioned prohibition policy, by integrating Flash into IE 10 Metro browser, to ensure compatibility in the process. use, as well as battery capacity and security.

However, the built-in Flash model is only compatible with some websites selected by Microsoft, such as CNN or BBC.

For those sites that are not included in Microsoft's 'browse' list, users are forced to switch to a desktop version of the browser that still supports standard Flash.

In addition, experts also said that Windows RT will support Flash.

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