Press and hold the Ctrl (Windows) or Command (Mac) key and directly select the Preview Thumbnail section of Layer 1, we will have the entire selection outside:
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Select the menu Filter> Distort> Pinch:
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The main control panel of the Pinch effect is displayed, changing the Amount to the bottom left:
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Click OK to apply the changes and close the window, then press Ctrl + F (Windows) or Command + F (Mac) 2 times to apply this effect 2 more times. Then press Ctrl + D (Windows) or Command + D (Mac) to remove the selection:
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Our interim results
When you have completed the basic part of the bubble image, save it as a Brush . Open the menu Edit> Define Brush Preset:
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The Brush Name dialog box is displayed, you name it Bubble and click OK:
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Next, open the photo we need to assign the bubble to. Example here:
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Click the New Layer icon at the bottom of the control panel to create a new layer above the background image:
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Select the Brush Tool from the Tool control bar, right-click (Windows) or Control + click (Mac) anywhere on the image to open the Brush Preset picker panel, select the last component in the list and press Enter ( Windows) or Return (Mac) to close this window:
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Continue, press F5 to open the Brush , which contains all the Brush Dynamics options that allow us to control the Brush action when drawing. Also in the open Brushes panel, click directly on the Shape Dynamics section :
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Increase the Size Jitter parameter to 100%, do the same with the Roundness Jitter , and finally the Minimum Roundness to 25%:
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Continue, select the Scattering directly under Shape Dynamics , where you change the Scatter parameter to about 250% and close this window:
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So we have finished ¾ of the way, the rest is big for these bubbles. Make sure that the foreground color is changed to white (press X):
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By default, the selected Brush tool is a bit too big, so press the [to change. Then select Layer 1 and start painting. If you are not satisfied with your product, press Ctrl + Z (Windows) / Command + Z (Mac) to go back to the previous step, or Ctrl + Alt + Z (Windows) / Command + Option + Z (Mac) to return to many steps.
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Try to make it so natural
But at this step, our bubble image looks a bit too sharp compared to the water environment. To fix this problem, press Ctrl + J (Windows) / Command + J (Mac) to duplicate this bubble layer:
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After that, apply the Gaussian Blur effect via Filter> Blur menu :
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The panel of Gaussian Blur displays, changing the value of the Radius to 8 :
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Click OK, and the bubbles will look much more natural:
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To complete our work, create a new layer, and use a large size brush to add bubbles, which will make the viewer feel the panorama of the picture below. country:
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Good luck!