How to prevent from getting strange pneumonia from China

Acute coronary pneumonia caused by Wuhan City, China currently has no treatment, many people are worried.

How dangerous is corona virus?

According to doctors, the coronary virus that causes strange pneumonia present in China may be related to the virus causing severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) and Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS). In 2002, SARS broke out, causing 8,000 infections, killing 916 people. MERS has killed about 851 people globally.

Picture 1 of How to prevent from getting strange pneumonia from China

There are many different types of corona viruses, which are responsible for everything from colds to dangerous SARS. Some coronaviruses can even infect humans.

How strange is pneumonia outbreak?

According to China's announcement, as of January 20, there were 139 cases of strange pneumonia caused by corona virus and three people died. However, the researchers said that the actual number is many times larger than the figures published by China.

Cases of infection with corona virus from Wuhan have also been reported in Japan and Thailand.

Picture 2 of How to prevent from getting strange pneumonia from China
Hong Kong Airport checks the body's temperature. Photo: SCMP

Some symptoms of acute pneumonia in China

Some of the recognizable symptoms of strange pneumonia in China are fever, cough, runny nose, shortness of breath, pneumonia, in many severe cases, kidney failure, multi-organ failure, etc.

How to prevent infection

As recommended by the Ministry of Health, to prevent the spread of strange pneumonia from China, people should:

  1. Wear a mask when outside.
  2. Limit contact with suspected cases of pneumonia, respiratory infections.
  3. Use soap or an alcohol-containing solution for personal hygiene.
  4. Cover your nose, mouth when coughing and sneezing, throw tissues, nose and mouth with lid.
  5. Ensure a complete diet, do not smoke to enhance the body's resistance.
  6. Keep the living environment clean.
  7. Limit direct contact with pets and wildlife.
  8. Vaccination is complete.
Update 25 January 2020


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