How to fix missing or missing Msvcp110.dll file
Msvcp110.dll error occurs due to situations that lead to the removal or crash of msvcp110 DLL file. In some cases, these DLL errors are caused by registry problems, viruses or malware, even hardware errors.
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Here are some common msvcp110.dll error messages:
- Msvcp110.dll Not Found (Msvcp110.dll not found)
- Lỗi ứng dụng này để khởi động vì các msvcp110.dll không tìm thấy Re-installing the application to fix this problem (This application cannot be started because msvcp110.dll could not be found. Reinstalling the application may fix this problem.)
- Không tìm thấy [PATH] msvcp110.dll (Cannot find [PATH] msvcp110.dll)
- The file msvcp110.dll is missing (lost msvcp110.dll file)
- Không thể khởi động [APPLICATION]. Một phần cần thiết cần missing: msvcp110.dll. Please install [APPLICATION] again (Cannot start [specific application] due to msvcp110.dll missing. Please install [specific application] again.
How to fix missing or missing Msvcp110.dll file Picture 1
The Msvcp110.dll error message may appear while using or installing certain programs, when Windows boots or shuts down, or even during Windows installation. The information in the msvcp110.dll error message is important when troubleshooting, so users should not ignore it.
The msvcp110.dll error can occur with any program or system that uses files on Microsoft operating systems such as Windows 10, Windows 8, Windows 7, Windows Vista, Windows XP and Windows 2000.
How to fix the error is not found or missing Msvcp110.dll
Note : Do not download the msvcp110.dll file from any website that loads the DLL. See the article Why not download DLL files from the website for reasons why you should not download DLL files from the website. Start Windows in Safe Mode to take the following measures if you can't access Windows normally due to msvcp110.dll error.
1. Download Visual C ++ Redistributable for Visual Studio 2012 update 4 and run it. This software will replace or restore the msvcp110.dll file with the latest copy provided by Microsoft. There are several other download options from Microsoft for this update, based on the version of Windows the user has installed, x86 (32-bit) or x64 (64-bit).
2. Restore msvcp110.dll from Recycle Bin. The cause of the error is the loss of the msvcp110.dll file that the user accidentally deleted. If you suspect you have deleted the msvcp110.dll file but have cleared the Recycle Bin, you can restore msvcp110.dll with a free file recovery program.
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3. Run anti-virus and malware software on the entire system. Some msvcp110.dll errors may be related to viruses or malware on the computer.
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4. Use System Restore to get the system to point before a DLL error occurs. If you suspect that msvcp110.dll error is caused by changes in important files or configuration, System Restore may fix the problem.
5. Reinstall the program that occurred msvcp110.dll error. If the msvcp110.dll error occurs when using a specific program, reinstalling the program may fix the DLL error.
6. Install an existing Windows update. Many service packs and patches in Windows updates may replace or update hundreds of DLLs distributed by Microsoft on computers.
7. Check the memory and then check the hard drive. Checking the computer memory and hard drive is easy and it may be the cause of msvcp110.dll error. If there is a problem, replace the memory or hard drive as soon as possible.
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8. Fix Windows installation. If the above fixes still do not fix the msvcp110.dll error, try to repair the boot component (Startup repair) or install the repair that can restore all Windows DLLs.
9. Perform registry cleaning to fix problems related to msvcp110.dll in the registry. A free registry cleaning program can help remove invalid registry entries that cause msvcp110.dll errors.
10. Perform new Windows installation. New clean installation Windows will delete everything from the hard drive and install a new copy of Windows.
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Note : All information on the hard drive will be deleted during the installation process.
11. Troubleshoot hardware. If the new Windows installation still can't fix the DLL error, the problem may be related to the hardware.
See also: How to fix errors not found or missing .DLL file
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