As you have the Mono Appliance running, ensure that VMWare Tools are installed on it.
Navigate to the Debug folder of your project. The path would be similar to something as shown below:
C:UsersUsernameDocumentsvisual studio 2010ProjectsSimple NotepadSimple NotepadbinDebug
Copy the Simple_Notepad.exe to the Mono Appliance Desktop.
Ensure that the Application does not have any dependencies in running successfully within the Mono Environment. To test this, click on Computer, and choose MOMA - Mono Migration Analyzer.
Click Next to continue.
Click on the (+) button and add the Simple_Notepad.exe to the Analyzer.
Click Next to continue. It will start scanning the assemblies, needed for a successful launch.
You would be able to see whether the MOMA tool has found any errors or success rate.
Launch a Terminal window, and run the following command:
mono Simple_Notepad.exe
After running, you can see the application running without any problems.