How to build a squad of 6 in DTCL 10.2

Here are some of the 6 jungle squads in Arena 10.2, you can choose the jungle squad to combine with other tribes to match the current meta game.

Due to the change of synergy buff, 6 junglers will "lay" a lot in this version of DTCL 10.2. You will have 10 champions of the jungle including the champions who have duplicated on the ring, not to mention the remaining champions.

Certainly with such a strong squad will help you overwhelm the enemy team easily. But one thing is for sure, you will spend a lot of money not only with the jungle generals but also with the remaining champions in the team.

To build the most effective 6 jungle squad in this DTCL 10.2, please refer to the arrangement and matching the Arena of Truth appropriate for team 6 Forest below.

How to build a squad of 6 strongest forests DTCL 10.2

Picture 1 of How to build a squad of 6 in DTCL 10.2

For this team to work best, you need to use the Hyperroll strategy at the beginning of the match to find all the jungle champions. Raise the stars as soon as possible because the champions are inherently low cost (1-2 gold).

Specifically, if you find enough 4 General Jungle (Maokai, Ivern, Leblanc, Neeko) and get up to all 4 of them 2 stars before the 3-1 round, it is very good, if you get 3 stars for 1-2 generals then would be great. In addition, you can add Leona to join the Lunar Tribe at the end of the game.

Picture 2 of How to build a squad of 6 in DTCL 10.2

Once you have a stable squad, you will have to go back to saving and using extra gold (spend and hold at 50) to level 7, and if your blood is over 30, you can think of leveling 8 and finding Lux Forest.

This is the time when you just need to focus on the roll to find Lux ​​and match 6 forests. If there's a lot of health, roll down and try to keep gold at 50, or roll to find Lux ​​Forest and always keep 20 gold or more.

In the meantime you can find Karma and get 2 stars for her to gain the Moon Tribe buff for extra time. Or combine Fire generals, Assassins to add damage to your squad, specifically you can transplant in the direction below.

Line 6 Forest 1 DTCL 10.2

Picture 3 of How to build a squad of 6 in DTCL 10.2

With the above squad you will have:

  1. Leona
  2. Maokai
  3. Ivern
  4. Neeko
  5. Leblanc
  6. Karma
  7. Lux (Forest)
  8. Level 8 you can put Taric or Amumu in

The total buff in the squad above you will have 6 Forests, 3 Nature, 2 Guardians, 2 Nguyet Tribe. The best elemental plot is Water and Earth.

The most essential equipment for champions will be:

  1. Neeko: Devil's Mail, Angel's Staff, Gemstone Gloves / Witch Hat
  2. Maokai / Leona: Warmog Blood Armor / Thorny Cloak
  3. Leblanc: Sword of Death

With the above formation and equipment, your team will be able to counter well physical damage teams such as Assassins, Swordsmen .

Line 6 Forest 2 DTCL 10.2

Picture 4 of How to build a squad of 6 in DTCL 10.2

To complete the above squad, you need to pick the following champions:

  1. Maokai
  2. Ivern
  3. Leblanc
  4. Neeko
  5. Karma
  6. Leona
  7. Nami
  8. Lux (Forest)

If you complete the squad with all the above generals, you will have a total buff of: 6 Forest, 3 Nature, 2 Nguyet Tribe, 2 Mysteries . The most appropriate element umbrella is Water and Fire.

The appropriate equipment for the champions below will be:

  1. Neeko: Devil's Mail, Angel's Staff, Gemstone Gloves / Witch Hat
  2. Maokai: Bodyguard
  3. Nami: Loving Shojin, Devil's Book of Morello

With the above generals and equipment, you will have a good lineup of counters against magic damage teams. If you do not want to follow the direction of the two squads above, you can combine the forest team with many other Tribes such as Forest - Wizard.

Update 31 January 2020


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