How do people with autism look at the world?

Let's see the same picture of what autistic people will see, what do ordinary people see?

Autism spectrum disorder (ASD) is a complex disorder in the natural development of humans. People with this syndrome have a lot of difficulties in interacting and communicating with the body. They are extremely sensitive to the senses, just like to play alone makes people feel lonely.

According to experts in this area, the reasons people with autism have strange behaviors are because they have a way of seeing the world differently from ordinary people.

Let's see the same picture of what autistic people will see, what ordinary people see to know this difference.

The left picture is the person with autism observed, the right is the normal person. Darker color is the most observed point.

Picture 1 of How do people with autism look at the world?

Picture 2 of How do people with autism look at the world?

When observing a photo of a room with many objects, autistic people tend to focus on the center of the picture, ordinary people have a wider view.

Picture 3 of How do people with autism look at the world?

Autistic people like to look at angles or patterns, and ordinary people observe everything.

Picture 4 of How do people with autism look at the world?

Picture 5 of How do people with autism look at the world?

The details that interest the average person, such as the face or the look of the character in the picture, are not the concerns of the autistic person.

Picture 6 of How do people with autism look at the world?

Unlike normal people, autistic people direct their attention to the only 2 things in the picture.

Picture 7 of How do people with autism look at the world?

Children with autism often prefer to look distorted looking faces rather than normal faces.

Picture 8 of How do people with autism look at the world?

The ability of autistic people to concentrate is higher than normal people.

Currently, the incidence of autism syndrome is increasing in many countries. It is estimated that 1 in 68 American children has autism.

Experts believe that when observing the vision of the eyes, the autistic people will help them diagnose the disease earlier and provide appropriate methods to treat the syndrome completely.

This method is currently used by some places to determine the difference between autistic and normal children.

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Update 24 May 2019


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