- Syntax: =TODAY()
- Function: Returns the current date.
For example, if today's date is 11/26/2024, the formula =TODAY() will display 11/26/2024.
- Syntax: =DAY( Serial_number). In which: Serial_number is a required value. It is the value of day, month, year.
- Function: Separates the date value in a specific date, month, and year cluster. The date is returned as an integer, with values from 1 to 31.
For example: For November 26, 2024, the formula =DAY("November 26, 2024") will return 26.
In the data table below, 11/26/2024 is in cell A2, you can separate the date in cell A2, with the formula =DAY(A2).
- Syntax: =MONTH( Serial_number) . Where: Serial_number is a required value. It is the day value of the month you want to find.
- Function: Separates the month value in a specific date. The month is returned as an integer, with values from 1 to 12.
For example, for November 25, 2024, the formula =MONTH("November 25, 2024") will return 11.
- Syntax: =YEAR(serial_number) . In which: Serial_number is required, the day of the year you want to find. The date you should enter using the Date function.
- Function: Get the year from a day/month/year value.
For example: For the date 11/25/2024, the formula =YEAR("11/25/2024") will return 2024.
- Syntax: =DATE( year; month; day) . In which: Year, month, day : are the year, month, day to be entered respectively.
- Function: Returns the entered date, month, and year expression
For example: =DATE(2024; 11; 25) will return 11/25/2024.
- Syntax: =NOW()
- Function: Returns the current system date and time
- Syntax: = HOUR(Serial-number) . Where: Serial number is a required argument, which is the time you want to convert to hours. It can be in text, decimal, or in other functions.
- Function: Returns the hour of a time value. The returned hour is an integer in the range 0 to 23.
- Syntax: = MINUTE(serial-number) .In which: Serial-number: Required. Value to be converted to minutes
- Function: Converts a time value to a minute in an hour minute second expression. Minutes are returned as an integer in the range 0 to 59.
- Syntax: =SECOND (serial_number)
Where: Serial_number is required. Is the time containing the number of seconds you want to find. Can be a time value or a decimal value
- Function: Returns the second part of the time value. Has an integer in the range from 0 to 59.
- Syntax: =WEEKDAY(serial_number; [return_type])
- In which:
+ serial_number: Date expression or a number indicating the date value
+ return_type: Select the return result type
+ return_type = 1 (default): Sunday is 1 (Saturday is 7)
+ return_type = 2: Monday is 1 (Sunday is 7)
+ return_type = 3: Monday is 0 (Sunday is 6)
- Function: Shows the serial number of the day of the week
For example: In cell A2 containing data on November 26, 2024, the formula =WEEKDAY(A2) will return 3 (Tuesday).
- Syntax: WEEKDAY(serial_number; [return_type])
In which:
+ Serial_number: The day of the week entered. This value is required
+ Return_type: Specifies which day is the starting day of the week. Default is 1.
Return_type=1 . The first day of the week is Sunday.
Return_type=2 . The first day of the week is Monday.
- Syntax: DAYS360( start_date; end_date; [method])
- In which:
+ Start_date, end_date: are the start and end dates that you want to know the number of days between these two dates. This value is required
+ Method: logical value that determines whether to use the US or European method. Method=false is the US method, method=true is the European method.
- Function: Calculate the number of days between two dates based on a year having 360 days.
- Syntax: DATEVALUE(date_text) . In which: date_text: Text string to be converted, limited to the range from 01/01/1900 to 31/12/9999, the input value must be in brackets.
- Function: Converts a date string into a date value for calculation.
- Syntax: EDATE(start_date; months)
- In which:
+ start_date: Date used as a reference point for calculation.
+ months: Number of months before or after the reference point used for calculation
- Function: Returns a date calculated from a given reference point and a specified number of months away from this reference point.
- Syntax: NETWORKDAYS( start_date; end_date; [holiday])
- Where
+ Start_date: Start date. Required parameter
+ End_date: End date. Required parameter.
+ Holiday: Number of days to exclude from the work schedule. Optional parameter.
- Function: Returns the number of working days from the start date to the end date, it does not include weekends and holidays that have been specified.
For example: To calculate the number of working days from November 1, 2024 to November 25, 2024, the formula is =NETWORKDAYS("November 1, 2024"; "November 26, 2024")
- Syntax: EOMONTH(start_date; months)
- In which:
+ start_date: Date used as a reference point for calculation.
+ months: Number of months before or after the start_date time point.
- Function: Calculate the last day of any month with the specified number of months.
Above, Free Download has compiled the most popular date functions in Excel , you can refer to and apply them to your calculation work.