Cultural standards of countries around the world

Study and fall in love with these tips if you don't want to receive bullets of local people when you travel to their countries.

If you are going on a business trip or an overseas trip, besides studying their language, you should also learn a little about your country's culture which is extremely important.

Every country in the world has different cultures and customs. There are things that are considered normal to this country, but are considered impolite in the other country. So, find out what "different people" are in the culture of some of the following countries if you don't want to be culturally shocked, or accidentally offend the natives at the place you arrive.

1. India

  1. 16 things to see and do when traveling to India

Picture 1 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. The Indians nodded when they wanted to say no, and shook their heads when they wanted to say yes / yes.
  2. India is a country with a lot of famous temples, it is extremely revered by the people so when you go to any temple the first and compulsory thing is to take off your shoes.
  3. Coming to India you have a hard time finding a public toilet. This makes the public "miserable" men have been rampant, popular as if it is a very normal thing. This is a bad habit, not only affecting the environment but also directly threatening people's health.
  4. In India you are not allowed to touch other people arbitrarily.
  5. When you want to get off the bus, pull the tensioned rope on the car, the bell that says the driver's side will vibrate and exclaim.
  6. At the end of the meal, absolutely not to thank the landlord, the Indians consider it a fairness that means you are insulting them.
  7. When eating, you absolutely should not call beef.

2. Japan

Picture 2 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. Japanese people often bathe together a bath without changing water. But before taking a bath, make sure your body has been cleaned before.
  2. Japanese people pay bills before starting to eat.
  3. Chewing while eating pho or noodles is a typical habit of Japanese people because they think this is a way to help them enjoy the taste of that dish.
  4. There are no trash cans in Japan. But people's consciousness is very high, they put garbage in their pockets and take them home or agencies to put in trash.
  5. Older people, or the highest position, will run the negotiations. Other members should not talk too much, doing so will be considered disrespectful.
  6. Avoid saying 'no'. Japanese people often say 'yes' to show that they understand what the other person is saying, even if they are completely against it.
  7. If you give gifts, you must wrap them carefully. The value of the gift is not as important as the mind is expressed.
  8. Always leave the money in the envelope, not exposing it.
  9. Never pour drinks by themselves, but let others pour them in.

3. Thailand

  1. 10 most beautiful world heritage in Asia you can not ignore

Picture 3 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. For Thai people, the head is considered the most sacred part of the body, so you should not rub your head or touch other people's heads.
  2. The fork is only used to place food on a spoon. Thai people do not use fork to put food into their mouths.
  3. In Thailand many people do not know how to cook, even families do not have a kitchen.

4. Egypt

Picture 4 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. The left hand represents a bad thing, so use your right hand to shake hands or give something to the Egyptians.
  2. In Egypt you can comfortably embrace other people in public places without fear of anyone assessing or banning. But there is a condition, that is you and that person must be the same gender.
  3. Do not raise your hand or wave your hand while talking, because the hand also refers to those who instigate in this country.

5. Russia

Picture 5 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. In Russia there are a lot of superstitious people, and you should never whistle here, this is an action that is supposed to call the soul of the dead (whistling if discovered you may be fined).
  2. Don't eat at home before going to someone's house. Because in Russia, homeowners often cook a lot of food and wait for guests to eat.
  3. A smile may be polite in another country, but not in Russia.

6. Italy

  1. Label yourself in front of 10 most beautiful beaches in Italy

Picture 6 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. If you drink milk coffee in the morning, you are really like a madman in the eyes of the Italian.
  2. Noodles are a typical Italian dish, so when you eat, never add ketchup to pasta, don't cut noodles as well.
  3. Being late, it is late to be impolite and disrespectful to others in some countries including Vietnam. But in Italy it is perfectly normal. Here the Italians are in no hurry.

7. Brazil

Picture 7 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. In Brazil, it's okay to be late for a meeting.
  2. In communication, standing very close to the opponent and communicating with the body is normal.
  3. Absolutely do not eat, whether it's sandwich or pizza, use a napkin or other tools.
  4. Sneezing, wiping the nose in the dining table is extremely difficult.
  5. If you want to buy a phone card, you must go to the pharmacy.
  6. Brazilian people sometimes use side dishes. They often use rice with beans and potatoes.

8. Portugal

Picture 8 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. If you add salt to the food, this will make the landlord unhappy and assume you don't like it.
  2. Do not compare Portuguese with Spaniards, this will make them feel offended.
  3. The Portuguese dinner very early, until 9.30 am most shops will close.

9. France

  1. Visit the 4 best restaurants in Lyon, France

Picture 9 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. If you do not know French, please forgive yourself for not being able to speak fluently.
  2. It is normal to leave the office for 2 hours or more.
  3. The French always show their attitude through the eyes.
  4. Sometimes gentlemen will greet women with a kiss, but many women will show their hands if they like to shake hands.

10. United States

Picture 10 of Cultural standards of countries around the world

  1. It is possible to discuss work during breakfast, lunch and even dinner.
  2. Many US companies do not encourage or restrict gifts because they are easily considered bribes. If you want to thank, just write a thank you letter.
  3. Before I want to smoke, I must ask for permission.
  4. When eating at a restaurant, Americans often have a 'bo' habit when paying, usually 20% of the bill.
  5. Americans love to eat french fries, which is considered a side dish at every meal.

With some information above, hope it will be useful for you, help you understand more cultures around the world.

Wish you have fun moments!

Update 24 May 2019


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