Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

Over millions of years of survival, many snakes have grown into giants to suit natural habitats. Here are 10 giant python species in the world, their size and weight surprised many people.

Over millions of years of survival, many snakes have grown into giants to suit natural habitats. Here are 10 giant python species in the world, their size and weight surprised many people.

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Green Python Anaconda - Eunectes murinus

Picture 1 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

Green Anaconda, also known as South American python, is a giant snake genus that lives in the Amazon, South America basin. Adults can reach 9 meters long and weigh 250 kg. Their oversized size is only poor in body length, with only one species being Asian python.

Burmese Python - Python bivittatus

Picture 2 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

Burmese Python is one of the six largest snakes in the world, and is native to tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia. They are often found in areas near rivers and lakes or in deep forests.

The average length of a Burmese python is 3.7 meters, females are always larger than males. But in history, people have discovered individuals up to 5.74 meters long in the state of Illinois (USA) 27 years ago.

Python reticulatus - Python reticulatus

Picture 3 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

Pythons can also be used with other names such as Python, python of Asia. They often live in tropical forests, warm places, near water sources in Southeast Asia and were first discovered in 1801.

The head of the python is small, long, light yellow or brown. On the body they have a dark gray streak running along the spine to form a floating eye shape on a yellow-brown background. This mature python species may have the longest body size of the snake family but they are quite slender and very agile.

Pythons are very good swimmers but most of the time during the day they sleep on trees.

African python - P. natalensis

Picture 4 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

This is considered the largest, strongest snake in Africa and lives in most parts of the region from the desert to areas near the water source. As an adult, an African python can be more than 7m long. This python is very aggressive and lustful, they are ready to attack everything that is moving ahead.

Python Indian - Python molurus

Picture 5 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

Indian pythons live mainly in tropical and subtropical regions of South Asia and Southeast Asia. They have an average body length of 3 meters. Indian python is quite gentle. Their food is rodents, some birds and reptiles.

It was once recorded that an Indian python could starve for two years after eating its prey.

Morelia amethistina - Morelia amethistina

Picture 6 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

This is the largest native snake in Australia. The name of this species comes from their body color, purple jade, very recognizable.

This snake can reach a maximum size of 8.5 meters. The world's largest length of purple jade snake was measured in 7.2 meters in 1954.

Boa constrictor - Boa constrictor

Picture 7 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

Prey is a member of the python family of South America, often living in North, Central, South America and some Caribbean islands. Mature adult pythons are between 2.1 and 3m for females and 1.8 to 2.4m for males, averaging about 45kg.

Python Golden Anaconda - Eunectes notaeus

Picture 8 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

This giant python is an endemic species of South America, which often lives in water or wetlands. Mature adult Anaconda has an average body size of 3.3-4.4 m long, and weight of 25 - 35 kg. People have spotted a python python Anaconda gold up to 4.6 meters long.

Eunectes deschauenseei - Black anaconda black

Picture 9 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

This python usually lives in South America, Northeast Brazil. So far, we have very little information about this species because they are rare and hard to find.

Papua - Apodora papuana

Picture 10 of Crying with 10 giant python species in the world

Papua Pythons are found in New Guinea and Fegusson. When they mature they can be over 5m long but only weigh about 22.5kg. This is a special python, which can change the color of the body when agitated or in the mating season.

This python is quite slow and usually hunts at night. Their food is small mammals or even other snakes.

Update 24 May 2019


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