Create password to protect folders without using software

In this article, I will show you how to create a password for a directory without the need for software support.

Do you have important documents or applications, or you simply don't want someone who uses your computer to view the contents of a certain folder with you. How do you think other people won't be able to view the folder on your computer? Looking for software? Currently there are many software to help you with this. But in this article, I will show you how to create a password for the directory without the need for software.

Step 1: Open the folder to create a password protection, right-click and select New -> Text Document .

Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 1Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 1

Step 2: Open the text file just created and enter the following code ( PASSWORD: you can change it to the password you want to set.



Private Folder title

if EXIST "Thuthuatphanmem Locker" goto UNLOCK

if NOT EXIST Private goto MDLOCKER


echo Are you sure you want to lock the folder (Y / N)

set / p "for =>"

if% for% == Y goto LOCK

if% for% == y goto LOCK

if% for% == n goto END

if% for% == N goto END

echo Invalid choice.


ren Private "Thuthuatphanmem Locker"

attrib + h + s "Thuthuatphanmem Locker"

echo Folder locked

goto End


echo Enter password to unlock folder

set / p "pass =>"

if NOT% pass% == PASSWORD goto FAIL

attrib -h -s "Thuthuatphanmem Locker"

ren "Thuthuatphanmem Locker" Private

echo Folder Unlocked successfully

goto End

: FAIL echo Invalid password

goto end


md Private

echo Private created successfully

goto End

: End

Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 2Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 2

Then save this file as TipsMake_locked.bat and click Save to finish.

Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 3Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 3

Step 3: Delete the text file created in Step 1 , double-click the file TipsMake_locked.bat . Now the Private folder appears and your job is to put all documents and applications that need security into this folder.

Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 4Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 4

Step 4: After moving the data to the Private folder, double-click the file TipsMake_locked.bat . The Private Folder command window pops up with the message that you want to hide and lock the current folder? Type Y and press Enter , immediately the Private folder will be no longer available.

Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 5Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 5

Step 5: To access the locked Private folder, double-click the file TipsMake_locked.bat . The Private Folder command window appears, you only need to enter the correct password you just created for the secure folder and press Enter. Entering the right password instantly Private folder will give you normal access.

Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 6Create password to protect folders without using software Picture 6

So the process of creating folders for passwords without software is simple and fast, isn't it?

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