Consulting corner: Select the computer according to the intended use

Depending on whether your purse is 'wide' or 'tight', depending on the level of use is 'more' intensive 'just', depending on the intention and the ability to upgrade the device ... m & ag

Consulting corner: Select the computer according to the intended use Picture 1Consulting corner: Select the computer according to the intended use Picture 1 Depending on whether your purse is 'wide' or 'tight', depending on the level of use is 'more' intensive 'just', depending on the intention and the ability to upgrade the device . The way you choose to configure a computer is different. In general, the choice of home computers according to needs can be divided into 3 different types: for learning, work and entertainment purposes.

* Calculator for Learning

You can be a student parent, a student or a student who is studying at universities . whoever is, the choice of a computer is merely for learning purposes still based on a whole General rule: inexpensive and relatively normal configuration. With students and students, prices are considered the most important factor when selecting equipment. Pricing restricts the selection of expensive or specialized equipment, for costly purposes, such as entertainment.

Because of a limited purse, the first thing you think about is buying second hand if possible. The first secondhand device you can buy is a monitor (monitor). An old 15-inch monitor is currently sold for between VND 350,000 - 450,000; while also a 15-inch screen but new, the price will be about 1.3 million - which is three times more expensive. Cheap price also means that the quality is not guaranteed. If you buy in a flea market (such as Hue street flea market), the equipment will not be warranted, and the on-site trial conditions are also limited. Therefore, buying good or not depends on luck. If you are lucky, you will be able to buy a screen that is almost new with a very . good price (extremely low); If risk, then you will probably think of another option, such as buying a new monitor because the secondhand return is not available.

Unlike the flea market, secondhand computer devices provided by some Hanoi computer companies are warranted for a limited period of time, usually half a month or a month. The price of the old equipment is one for each type of sale, but in general the difference is not too large and acceptable. In addition to the screen, older computer devices that can be purchased are: hard drive, RAM (usually just SDRAM), and the main configuration is Pen Pen or Celeron. In general, if you go to buy second hand, especially computer equipment, you need to go with someone who is knowledgeable about computers (especially hardware); and if possible, try it at the place of sale. If it is a screen, try at different resolutions; If it is a floppy disk, try reading and writing the disc; If it is a hard drive, use the disk scanner to check for errors; and if it's the whole computer, try t - open the phone several times to check.

If you have the ability to choose and buy an old device, a full computer costs less than 3 million. If you don't like the old stuff, you can buy a cheap computer system - which is provided by some Hanoi computer companies. You can buy a new G6 computer system for less than 4 million VND (excluding VAT). A G6 computer with configuration: Intel Celeron 2.26GHz; 128MB DDRam 333MHz; 15-inch screen; 40GB hard drive . sold by Tran Anh computer company for 3.99 million. This computer is considered to be the most suitable for the budget of ordinary households, or students ., who need to buy a new computer with a warranty period of 12 months.

* Calculator for Work

Users of this type of computer are usually working people, have relatively good incomes, or are normal but try to buy a computer to serve their work. With this class of users, it's best to go to companies that sell computers to buy, rather than buying second-hand goods. You can buy a full set of computers or choose individual devices on your own. Currently, there are a number of full computer models offered in computer companies, which are Southeast Asian computer models with prices ranging from 4.5 to 5.5, or VND 6 million. The attached devices (motherboard, hard drive, monitor .) of this type of computer are relatively acceptable, except for slightly low RAM (only 128MB).

Prices fluctuate depending on the configuration and power of the processor: a Southeast Asian computer with 2.2 GHz Intel Celeron chip will cost about 4.5 million; While it is the same computer (the same devices included) but the 2.4 GHz Intel Pentium IV chip, the price will be 5.6 million. In general, for those who have already worked and have a normal income, it is acceptable to buy a Southeast Asian computer for 4.5 million dong. The configuration of this type of computer can meet business needs (regardless of graphics or specialized needs) or normal entertainment. If you only use normal office applications such as Word or Excel, it doesn't need to spend about 4.5 million dong. At that point, you can buy an old computer with a lower profile, more suitable for your budget, such as buying an old computer or a low-cost computer.

* Calculator for Entertainment

This can be considered the most expensive option among computer use needs. If you really need a computer system for entertainment needs, the money you spend will be no less than 10 million; if only entertainment at . normal or slightly more, the price is also very different. In general, if you have bought a computer for entertainment (listening to music and watching movies) then the motherboard (BMC) must be open and designed for entertainment purposes. Intel or Gigabite motherboards are still rated better among many different BMC categories.

From more than a year ago, Intel started moving to the new chipset platform primarily for entertainment and graphics purposes. This new platform is marked with the arrival of Intel 915 (Socket 775) - which is the key in Intel and Gigabite BMC series. If you buy a new motherboard, make sure that at least the Intel 915 chipset (SK 775) is required. Currently, this chipset platform has moved to Intel 955, and of course the price difference between 915 and 955 is also quite large. If your entertainment needs are not too high, the use of Intel 915 platform is also relatively stable; if you have a little more money, use Intel 925, or Intel 945 (the price difference between these platforms ranges from 1.5 to 2 million).

The choice of chipset also involves a computer chip (here is usually an Intel Pentium IV chip). In this case, the power of Pentium IV usually must be 2.8GHz or more, meaning your chip must be 2.8GHz or more from Intel Pentium IV. At the time of this article, the Pentium IV 2.8GHz (Socket 775) costs about VND 2.7 million; The 3.0GHz Pentium IV (Socket 775) costs about VND 2.9 million.

With a computer for entertainment needs, RAM and computer hard drive must be relatively large; in which the minimum RAM is 512MB or more, the minimum hard drive is 80GB or more. The current price of RAM has risen slightly after a long period of miserable slippage, but has only inched up a bit. At the time of this writing, Kingston RAM 512 (bus 400) costs VND 800,000. With a hard drive, if possible, you should choose a Serial ATA (SATA) drive instead of an ATA drive. SATA drives will bring faster data transfer, which means that saving or copying data in hard drive space will be greatly reduced compared to conventional ATA drives. Unlike RAM in recent years, hard drive prices are relatively stable and there is no unusual change. At the time of this writing, the price of the Samsung 80GB SATA hard drive (7200 rpm) was approximately 1 million; while Samsung 120GB SATA is 1.35 million.

An indispensable factor when you buy a computer for entertainment needs is a computer speaker. The price of the speakers also varies depending on the type. In order to really listen to music and watch movies, you must at least 'buy' the Microlab Subwoofer 4.1 (520W) with the current price of about 440,000 VND. If more, you can choose Microlab Subwoofer 5.1 for approximately 1 million VND.

In addition to chips, RAM, hard drives and speakers, other bundled devices must also be compatible with an entertainment computer.With a CD drive, you can choose the type of DVD drive (about 400,000 VND).If you want to listen to music in advanced form, you can buy more sound cards (about VND 500,000).In general, depending on the budget and purpose of use, you can choose the computer equipment that best suits you.

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