Web2.0 - The evolutionary era of community intelligence

We are living in the boom of technology, booming e-commerce, exploding applications on the Internet. A real revolution is happening, that revolution is called Web2.0.

Web2.0 - The evolutionary era of community intelligence Picture 1Web2.0 - The evolutionary era of community intelligence Picture 1 We are living in the boom of technology, booming e-commerce, exploding applications on the Internet. A real revolution is happening, that revolution is called Web2.0.

The fall of 2001 marked a major turning point in the history of Web development. Along with the rapid growth of applications, the proliferation of new sites, the flourishing of companies, a new era was born. Web2.0 era.

Web2.0 is different from Web1.0. Why is it so different? What is the nature of this ' change of meat '?

New generation

A new generation creates the face of Web2.0. The generation that is Google Adsense replaced Doubleclick in the field of advertising, is Flickr replacing Ofoto in the field of photo sharing, is BitTorrent instead of Akamai in sharing content, is the Wikipedia encyclopedia Britannica Online, the Blog instead Personal Websites, that Wikis replace CMS .

Create a new era

The era of Web2.0 was born with intellectual revolution, software, business, internet . Although there is still much controversy around the concept of Web2.0. But basically, Web2.0 agreed on the following features.

- Web is the platform

Web services replace software products. The World Wide Web (WWW) is no longer a collection of static websites, as in the period of web1.0, it did not stop at dynamic websites combining content management system (CMS), now WWW provides full functions. the power of a computer platform, serving users in the farthest place.

Without daydreaming, many people think that all the applications you use will be web applications instead of standalone software running on single computers.

- Serving everyone

Web2.0 is a story about the success of services, applications that have an arm that reaches far beyond the limit, to every user, or in other words, Web2.0 is a decentralized era with Google Adsense. , eBay, BitTorent .

Google Adsense wins DoubleClick in advertising because Google understands the huge power of hundreds of thousands of drops of water that will create a wide pool. If DoubleClick is limited to large websites, Google seeks to place ads on any website.

eBay dominates the online auction market because it meets the needs of every customer. eBay allows deals with only a few dollars. As a result, eBay has become the most crowded 'seller of sellers' online, overshadowing new small sites.

- Exploiting community intelligence

Google, eBay, del.icio.us, iTunes, Open Sources movement, Blog movement and most recently Wikipedia all build on the philosophy of exploiting intellectual community.

Anyone can add and edit the content of the Wikipedia encyclopedia. Because hundreds of thousands of people take care of it, Wikipedia is richer, refined and more accurate. According to the latest statistics, Wikipedia is read more than any news site including Google News and Yahoo News.

- Data is blood

In the era of community intelligence, systems are fully equipped with open source, data is the only component that makes a difference. Data management is the heart of businesses, the intel chip of the internet operating system.

Google, Yahoo, eBay, Amazon giants all operate based on expert database systems. We are waiting for the race between data providers and application providers over the next few years as both sides realize the importance of data for Web2.0.

Like the trend of switching from proprietary software to free software, we are also waiting for the trend of switching from proprietary databases to free databases in the next decade. Its early sign is the Wikipedia online encyclopedia.

- Beta forever

Derived from the open source community, products are made available to the community before it is completed, and the community regularly adds new features to it. You also see Gmail, Google Maps, Flickr . to logo 'Beta' for years, because they also do business with that philosophy, constantly collecting user comments, constantly improving products, never have the final product. Forever is the Beta .

- Simple, compact and integrated

Have you ever used RSS or Atom for news updates, do you love the convenience and speed of GMail or Google Maps? Did you know that behind these services are extremely simple technologies: RSS and AJAX. Simple but powerful is the new style of Web2.0 technology

Integration, integration and . integration, which is also characteristic of Web2.0 technology. When open source development, alternative services for software, integration is the key to competition.

Web2.0 - The evolutionary era of community intelligence Picture 2Web2.0 - The evolutionary era of community intelligence Picture 2

- Software running on all devices

The development of the Internet brings the future of software closely associated with web applications. Any web application, even the simplest, requires at least two computers: Web Server and Web Browser. Using the Web as Platform vibrates a warning bell about software design. New era software must be software that can run on as many devices as possible.

- User autonomy

One of the revolutionary points of Web2.0 is that it allows users to customize and manipulate more.




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Typically AJAX technology. As an intermediary between the user and the server, AJAX only receives the necessary information and once the data is downloaded, you do not need to interact with the server. Interaction between interface and AJAX is internal interaction within the browser. AJAX's outstanding application is Gmail and Google Maps. In Gmail, you use the keyboard, not the mouse to select multiple emails. Tasks like moving from one folder to another are done very quickly. In Google Maps, you can zoom in, zoom out, move around the map without waiting at all. You have the feeling that you are interacting with software running on your computer.


Web2.0 has been changing the roots of social culture and corporate culture. Community intelligence is enhanced. Services and data are vital for companies. Software is more simple, powerful, easy to integrate, running anytime, anywhere. Users are co-developers, more autonomous, more manipulated. Those are the basic steps Web2.0 brings to our lives.

Hanh Le

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