Computers make impressive firework displays

While many places still use hand-operated fireworks, professional companies do this with digital devices, computers, specialized software ... to bring strange-looking performances. .

While many places still use hand-operated fireworks, professional companies do this with digital devices, computers, specialized software . to bring strange-looking performances. .

Picture 1 of Computers make impressive firework displays

Photo: Pyro Spectaculars

Pyro Spectaculars (USA) is one such team. They use two main types: electric Pyromate with 24 volt voltage capable of firing up to 540 emitters; Fireone is a more complex digital system that allows multiple fireworks to be fired at the same time to create magical beauty on the night sky. Fireone is completely based on computer software, which helps synchronize artillery equipment with a unique style.

One can place small artillery launchers along both sides of the corridor of a newly built building, with a large pedestal above it . and issue orders simultaneously. The company says computers have helped make fireworks work combined with background music easy and create boundless land for them to create.

However, the Pyro Spectaculars met "occupational accidents" when performing fireworks to celebrate the New Year 2008 in Seattle (USA). When it was 8 minutes, the system was stopped because of a software error of 12 minutes, causing the engineers to try to restart it twice but failed and had to operate manually. Some people believe that it is due to Microsoft's Windows operating system error.

Here are some unique designs from the Pyro Spectaculars.

Update 25 May 2019


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