Breakthrough studies for humanity of Russians

Many modern scientific achievements and groundbreaking studies contributing to the development of human civilization all began with the pioneering Russians.

Many modern scientific achievements and groundbreaking studies contributing to the development of human civilization all began with the pioneering Russians.

  1. The most bizarre things people ever bring to space
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Law of conservation of mass

Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov, a Russian chemist, was the first person to mention the Mass Conservation Law in 1748. When weighing sealed stoppers containing metal powders before and after firing, he noticed despite the transfer. Chemical chemistry has occurred with metals in cylinders but their mass has not changed.

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Chemist Mikhail Vasilyevich Lomonosov.

Periodic table of chemical elements

Many scientists have sought to arrange chemical elements based on their chemical properties but have failed. In 1869, Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev proposed how to list them into a periodic table and disseminate it widely.

In addition to the known elements, Mendeleev also used his periodic table to predict the nature of the missing elements.

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Dmitri Ivanovich Mendeleev, the father of the periodic table of modern chemical elements.(Photo: Wikipedia).

Until the existence and properties of protons and neutrons are studied in more detail, the importance of atomic numbers for the organization of the periodic table is recognized.

New chemical elements for the periodic table

Dmitri Mendeleev was also the theoretical predictor of the existence of chemical elements Gallium, Germanium, Hafnium, Protactinium and Technetium before they were officially discovered later by experiment.

In addition, the elements Ruthenium, Nobeli, Dubni, Flerovi, Moscovi, . were also discovered by Soviet and Russian scientists.

Artificial satellite

On October 4, 1957, Sputnik 1 - the world's first artificial satellite built by the Soviet Union was launched into Earth orbit. This satellite is brought into space by the R-7 rocket in the context of the Cold War.

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Sputnik-1 satellite.(Photo: Wikipedia).

Sputnik 1 weighs 83kg, flying around the Earth in elliptical orbit for 96 minutes. The satellite operated on a three-month orbit, flying 1,440 around the Earth at a height of more than 900 km and leaving the universe on January 4, 1958.

The launch of Soviet satellites into space made the United States and the world admired. This event created a race into the universe between the great powers and opened the era of conquest of space.

Spaceship manned

No one else, the Soviet Union continued to make history when launching the first spacecraft with astronauts flying into space. Yuri Gagarin is the one chosen as the pilot for this flight.

9:00 am Moscow time April 12, 1961, from the Baykonur spacecraft, the Vostok-1 ship was launched beyond the Earth's atmosphere with Yuri Gagarin. This makes Yuri Gagarin the first person to fly into space.

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Astronaut Yuri Gagarin.(Photo: Roscosmos).

Vostok-1 flies around the Earth's orbit, reaching its highest point at more than 320 km. After 108 minutes, Yuri Gagarin landed in a field not far away safely.

Space station

Salyut 1 station was the first space station launched in the low Earth orbit made by the Soviet Union on April 19, 1971.

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Salyut 1 is 20m long, the largest diameter is 4m. After Salyut 1, the Soviet Union had five more successful space stations. Mir-2 (DOS-8), one of the five space stations is still active today and becomes part of the International Space Station (ISS).

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In addition, the Russians also achieved some other important achievements such as:

  1. Vasily Petrov discovered the photoelectric effect in 1802.
  2. Nikolay Umov proposed the basic concept of Umov-Poynting vector and was the first scientist to show the relationship between mass and energy.
  3. Alexander Popov was the first person to invent radio waves.
  4. Alexander Friedmann was the first scientist to propose an expansionary universe model in 1922.
  5. Dmitri Ivanenko was the first to propose a proton-neutron model of atomic nucleus and a nuclear shell model in 1932.
  6. Georgiy Gamov is the author of Big Bang theory.
Update 24 May 2019


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